The first step towards stopping any addiction especially with things
like food, sex, porn, or masturbation is to recognize that it is an addiction
and you are an addict. This is quite unlike addiction to alcohol, smoking or
other drugs. Second is to have the will and conviction, to do it. Masturbation
is not a big problem if you do it occasionally, have a healthy sexual
relationship with a woman and are not obsessed by it. However, it still has its
consequences so if you can give it up and rely only on real intercourse, it is
better for over health and well-being.
Once you have established that you are addicted to masturbation, commit
yourself and it is not as difficult as you may think it is. Do not try to stop
at once. Most men are addicted to porn as well. So try what I did.
To know that a child is masturbating is not difficult. Spending too much time in the bathroom or toilet, wanting to keep their rooms bolted or finding lonely spots to hide are some common signs. Bed wetting is a consequence of pre-pubic masturbation.
I continued this suicidal practice till I was about 35 years of age. Even through my relationships with women, I continued masturbating. I got addicted to porn when I was in high school at which time most youngsters get access to such material.
Now this is how I quit my addiction to masturbation. At the age of 28 years I got quite ill with an undiagnosable lung problem. I was treated for Tuberculosis, but even after a nine month treatment, I never got fully well. I kept suffering from, some sort of weakness of the lungs and other nagging medical and health problems, to the extent that I never had a proper career. I turned to homeopathy a few years into this problem. While going through texts about homeopathic remedies, I came across a lot of material and medicines that were specifically for curing bad effects of masturbation, which it seems homeopaths understand much better than modern science.
Once I acknowledged the fact that I was addicted to masturbation and many of my pseudo-medical issues were the effects of this suicidal practice, it did not take me long to decide that I wanted to do something about it. The first thing I did was, I reduced the time I spent indoors and alone. This gave me less opportunity to masturbate. But my condition was so bad that, sometimes I would go for a drive and play with myself, while driving. On further study of homeopathy, and texts on “brahmacharya” in Vedic literature, I realised that the bad effects of masturbation were not so much from the watching of porn or the act itself but due to the loss of precious semen and sperm that happened as a consequence. It takes the body a few days to resupply the sexual system with the precious building material of life. When you are with a real person there are many subliminal messages that are being exchanged which invoke different responses from both individuals. So with a real person it is not necessary that the act would always culminate in ejaculation. However, when you masturbate the end goal is to have an orgasm and as a consequence loss of fluid. Unlike in real intercourse, during which the man has to penetrate the vagina, when you masturbate you can have an orgasm and ejaculate even if you do not have a proper erection. In frequent masturbators you often find that the ejaculate is very little, because the body has not produced enough material. You may say that the conditions are the same during oral sex or sex between breasts or in other ways with a woman, I will put all this in the same category as masturbation. So the lesson here is that you do not need to give up playing with yourself as much as you need to try to train yourself to come to edge and stop just short of losing sperm and semen.
Ejaculation without a full erection is in a way telling your body and
sex centres in the brain that a full erection is not required for sex with a
woman, and ejaculating quickly is all right. So, this can lead to problems like
erectile dysfunction (ED), impotence and premature ejaculation. This is a recipe
for bad sex with a woman and could lead you to more self-gratification, and
more complications.
Now let’s come to a solution and my experimentation. What I did was, I
kept playing with myself but tried to ejaculate less often. When I tried doing
this, my system was so perverted that I would often ejaculate even when I tried
not to. But slowly and it took years I got the hang of it and could control
loosing semen more often. It has been over 12 years now and in the past 5 years
I may have ejaculated not more than 10 times, this is including being with a
woman. I have got so obsessed with keeping my precious stuff within that I
often have sexual intercourse but do not ejaculate. It often bothers women but
that is another story. Now I often have to take a conscious decision and in a
way plan the day I decide to release some of my precious stuff. I still play
with myself, nearly every day. I sleep in the nude and often have an erection
through the night. I am not suggesting that you go as far as I have, but this
is an illustration of what is possible.
I never took a conscious decision to give up porn in fact till recently
I was enjoying it. But for some reason, I stopped liking it a couple of months
ago. I have gained immensely so far as my health is concerned. I feel stronger,
mentally and emotionally healthier. In theory, this process is similar to what
yoga and yogis preach. Yogis however, preach complete abstinence. Maybe,
because they usually lived in groups with little or no privacy, doing overtly
sexual stuff like playing with one’s self, would firstly not be socially
acceptable and secondly it could lead to homosexuality. But, whatever the
reason for not being overtly sexual, they have devised exercises which
stimulate the sexual centre or the “mooladhar chakra”. But the end is the same.
You need to excite the sexual system with more blood flow and an erection to
produce the building materials of life and then use the stuff for your own
benefit, mainly to improve overall health, which is the starting point for a
higher consciousness.
To end this let me say that do not be guilty about masturbating, others do it too. It does not make you less of a man. I do not think there is any man alive who hasn’t masturbated at some point in his life. Very often, you could be married or in a relationship and your partner does not want it, you are horny so what do you do? But this is not to say that masturbating is good, it is the worst punishment you can give to yourself. Also, always remember every time you ejaculate, you are throwing out material that could make you more sexy and desirable. I always think of semen and sperm as the most precious possession a man has. So save it as much as you can and become sexier and more desirable to real women out there.
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