Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Why men like porn and women don’t

Men like to masturbate to porn, but ask a woman and she will at the least not understand why and in most cases a woman would be disgusted by it. But most of us guys love it. Personally I don’t really like hard-core stuff. I somehow do not want to see a man screwing a woman who is desperately trying to make you believe that she is loving it. For me the fun part of the whole deal ends once the clothes are off and penetration takes place. Also what is the fun in seeing the same action repeated over and over till the man ejaculates and the woman pretends to have an orgasm. If at all I would like to see a woman do a striptease or two women make out. Striptease is something that is natural to both men seeing it and women doing it. Men are designed to be attracted by the visuals of women and parts of women. However a bit of what we get excited by also depends on our cultural and social conditioning. In some cultures where a woman is not supposed to show her face or some other part of her, a man could easily get excited by just looking at her face, her ankle, her neck or whatever he is not conditioned to see. Considering, the modern woman is liberated and cannot be pressed to abide by any sexual rules; she wears tight clothes showing her shape, she shows everything and does everything that will make men respond. She may not want to direct it towards every man out there, but has no option. In the process men are becoming more and more visually desensitized. You have seen nearly everything the only thing left that will excite are breasts and vagina. If women decided to walk around in the nude, we would need to sexually redesign men’s responses from scratch.

Women are designed to show off, all they have. It is a simple equation of action and reaction. The woman is supposed to create exciting visuals and the man is supposed to react to them and this is what makes pornographic material so popular with men. Just imagine if men stopped getting excited by visuals created by women, it would mark the end of the human race. We may think we are a highly evolved race, but the fact is the primal instinct to procreate is as old as the human race itself and will probably never change. Men are supposed to get sexually excited by the visuals of a firm round breast, but if the breast was square, men would have been wired to respond to that. We are excited by the body shape of a woman only because we are programmed to do so. In different parts of the world and different cultures the parameters that define beauty are different depending upon the shape women have taken because of the weather, diet and other factors. Any man who pretends not to look at women very openly is simply well trained to disguise his sexual response to the presence of women. I don’ think there would be a man alive or dead who was not excited by the body or presence of a woman.

Coming back to my topic, why we men like to watch porn and most women don’t is because the way we are “wired”. Women are programmed to sexually respond to touch and smell more than visual inputs. So showing a woman your penis cannot generate the same response as a woman taking off her clothes. Men are “wired” for visual response. Give a man some erotic stuff to see and allow him to stimulate the top one inch of his penis and he will be quite satisfied. Ask a woman to play with herself while looking at the most handsome of men and she would rarely get excited. Women need to be held, massaged, touched all over and gently caressed to respond. That is why dancing, dinners, foreplay, hand holding, riding a motorcycle with her body squeezed against yours are very sexually exciting things for a woman. Women are also experts at not showing what they enjoy sexually.

Sometimes women can respond to visual stimuli, but she will not look for instant gratification by masturbating. This is because a woman needs to receive semen and sperm as a final outcome of any sexual act. This is not to say that women do not masturbate at all. Women masturbate, but more because of sensitivity, irritation or itching of the sexual organs. Even when a woman masturbates she will involve her whole body in the act and not just centre on her vagina and clitoris. Unlike men women can carry their sexual excitement for long periods of time, waiting to find the right mate. When a woman is sexually excited, you can make it out by what she wears and the way she behaves. She will flaunt her body more; she will wear bright colors especially red to attract the attention of a potential mate. She will go to places where there is possibility of finding the right man. But she will remain passively active, waiting for men to make the move so she can choose the one she wants to allow to please her.

When you are a young boy you may respond to all women type stimuli, but as a man matures he responds more and more to visual stimulus. That is why, we want to go to dance bars, see women in bikinis, lingerie or in the nude. A woman can excite you simply by showing cleavage, by wearing a short skirt or hot pants, or simply wearing something which flaunts her body. That is why women do makeup but men don’t. To be a little politically in-correct, most women are advertising their wares as part of the scheme of things, and men are standing in queue for their turn. However, unlike advertising for products, in this case a woman will decide who is going to get her stuff. So she is continuously sending the sexual message out there by what she wears, the way she talks, looks, walks and behaves. Men are constantly window shopping, but in this case it is not a wad of money that will get him the goods, the woman will take her time and pick the man she thinks is right for her. Most men think that they have seduced a woman, when they get into bed with her, whereas the fact invariably is that they have been seduced into thinking that they have successfully won the game.

So the bottom line is that if you like to watch pornographic material it is only because you are programmed to do so. It is not your fault, or anything to be ashamed about. This however, does not make masturbating to porn, all right. Masturbation can have very damaging consequences. See my post “My experience with sexual self-abuse” and “How to stop a masturbation addiction” in this blog for more.

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