Sunday, 31 March 2013

Combating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – CFS with Ayurveda (1)

I Have been living with Chronic Fatigue for the last over 20 years. I have been using a proper exercise regimen, Homeopathy, controlled diet, home remedies and Ayurveda to live with it. In this post I am going to discuss the role of Ayurveda, home remedies, and diet, in combating Chronic Fatigue. I experimented with homeopathy for a long time, gained from it and am still using it. However, recently I discovered that there is a huge treasure trove of supplements and remedies that Ayurveda has to offer. So I started my experiments with Ayurveda. Ayurveda, like Homeopathy deals with the person, not just the disease in isolation, which is quiet unlike Allopathic treatment. Good practitioners of Ayurveda will not just prescribe medicines but will also suggest a proper diet plan and lifestyle changes, especially in cases of chronic ailments. Ayurveda does not just depend on medicinal herbs for treatment, but also used a large number of spices, seeds and herbs used in everyday cooking, or let me say “Indian” cooking. Whether you are a CFS sufferer there are small but sometimes nagging problems that bother you, Ayurveda provides us with a solution to many:

SAUNTH (Dried ginger), KALI MIRCH (black pepper) and pIPLEE (Indian long pepper):  ground and mixed in equal part by volume, forms an excellent powder for improving digestion and fighting off chest infections. I suffer from chronic chest issues, which manifest in the form of continuous cough and phlegm. I started taking this mix in one gram doses two times a day after meals with warm water about 3 months ago. It has greatly reduced my phlegm and cough, and has improved my energy levels. I believe this happens because all three ingredients increase body heat which helps strengthen the lungs. This mix is also an excellent anti-flatulent.

ADRAK (FRESH GINGER TEA): Helps digestion. Good to strengthen lungs and fight chest infections. There are many ways to make it. You can either extract juice, put it in hot water, or like I do take about an inch long piece of ginger, crush it in a mixer, pour hot water, mix thoroughly, filter the mix. Drink the mix hot with or without sugar or honey.

NIMBOO (FRESH LIME JUICE): Great immune system booster. A rich source of natural vitamin C. Take at least 7 to 10 ml juice daily. The best health tonic you can have. It is best to take it without sugar. However if you don’t like the taste go ahead and add sugar or salt or both. Add any other spices you wish. It is a must during fever, flu, cough and cold, if you use lime juice regularly you will not fall prey to these little problems.

CHUKANDER (BEETROOT JUICE): Is an anti-depressant and anti-hypertensive. Taken in large quantities, in clinical tests, it makes a measurable difference to blood-pressure. It gives us a large number of nutrients not found in other food stuff. Taken regularly over long periods, it can keep you relaxed and reduce the need for anti-hypertension medication.  

HALDI (TURMERIC): Is an excellent painkiller. I have used it in toothache and body pain. It is also an anti-bacterial. It is very common in Indian kitchens. According to Vedic astrology, consumption Haldi (usually with milk), has an effect on GURU (planet Jupiter), which rules success and money issues of the subject. So if you are having financial troubles, or just want to make more money more easily, take a glass of milk with a1 to 5 grams of Haldi mixed in it daily. I don’t take it on a regular basis, but do consume it as a mild pain reliever and sometimes at random. I cannot say if it works on money issues or not.

AMLA (INDIAN GOOSEBERRY): Like lime amla is a rich source of vitamin C. It can be consumed as part of a vegetable juice, in a salad, in candy form or in the form of a “murraba”; and Indian style candy.  You can buy candy and “murabba” in the market, readymade.

TULSI (HOLY BASIL): Hindus consider this to be the most holy of all plants and worship it. There are two popular varieties, one is the regular Holy Basil and the other is “shyama” or dark Holy Basil. Usually the regular version is planted in houses and worshipped. The plant has powerful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and is believed to keep the air around it healthy and free of disease causing bacteria. The leaves of the plant can be chewed or tea made from them can be consumed in fever dry or wet cough, cold, sore throat and bacterial infections. It is a very fragile plant and needs a lot of care. I have tried to grow the plant 3 times, but have failed in each attempt. Dried and processed Tulsi (also called Tulsa) leaves are available in Ayurveda medical stores as a food supplement.

AJWAIN: is an excellent remedy for flatulence and for lose motions or diarrhoea. You may also chew it as a mouth freshener. As a medicine it can be taken in the form of tea or swallowed (3 to 6 grams) with or without black salt. To make tea take 4 to 8 grams of Ajwain in two or three cups of water boil till and reduce to one cup on slow fire. Sip this liquid with or without sugar. It is better not to use sugar. It can be used as a replacement for tea or coffee. However using too much of it can cause constipation, so watch out for this. If it happens simply stop using it and you will return to normal.

I will cover the following and more in my next post…….











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