Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Curing erotomania, nymphomania, hyper-sexuality, epilepsy and masturbation in women

Masturbation is more of a male issue than a problem for women, mostly because men get sexual satisfaction from the release of semen and sperm and women from receiving it as the end of the act. So the fact is that it is not orgasm but giving and receiving of sperm, and procreation, which is the goal. Women like more sensuous and gentle things. A woman would get out of her clothes and do house work in the nude, she will not want to sit around looking nude men and masturbate. When she’s hot she may want to go out in public without her bra and panties on, wearing a sensuous dress. Also women have an advantage over men when it comes to finding a mate, a woman can virtually snap her fingers and there would be ten men wanting to sleep with her, but men don’t have it so easy. However, women at different points in their lives and due to varied reasons often are driven to masturbation and many enjoy it through their lives. But it remains a deviant act and has its health consequences. When men masturbate occasionally it may be considered healthy by some, it’s like keeping your engine running. When a woman masturbates it could be a psychological, emotional or physiological issue and much more deep rooted, mostly bordering on some sort of medically treatable problem. Often you may find women masturbate when the man they are with is not sensitive enough to see to it that she also has an orgasm, but this is not always the reason. The idea of this post is not to talk about the morality, but to look at some homeopathic remedies and conditions under which they are used. This is not an exhaustive list but some of the remedies and conditions of use are:

Origanum: “The remedy has a particular affinity for the female sexual organs, where it sets up great irritation and excitement. Erotomania, unconquerable lascivious impulses, and voluptuousness are symptoms that call for Origanum. The irritation is so great that in spite of every attempt she makes, she is driven to Onanism (masturbation) and self-abuse. All her life and impulses are centred on the sexual system. Everything around her is suggestive of sexual phenomena and she rushes on to its gratification on the slightly pretext”. Other comparable remedies are:

Calcaria Phos., Phosphorous, and Veratrum Viride: in these remedies the excitement is greatly increased before the menstrual period.

Canthrides, Hyoscmous, Lachises, Platinum and Pulsitilla: in these remedies the aggravation of sexual impulses is particularly noticeable during menstruation.

Bufo Rana: ” I have had very gratifying results from Bufo in epilepsy, in a ‘negro’ girl aged about 17 or 18 years. The least pressure on the right hypo gastric region used to throw her into violent fits. From her shy, downward look, listlessness, indifference I had cause to suspect that she was a great victim to this vicious hadit (of masturbation). Since she has been put on Bufo, she has kept free from any further attack”.

Platinum: “It produces great sexual excitement of sexual passion both in males and females. In grown-up people this leads on to excessive venery, whereas in young boys (and girls) not having the opportunity of their elders, it ushers in the pernicious habit of self-abuse. Platinum is rightly recommended by Gallavardin for the impulses to pederasty and sodomy. It also removes the ill-effects of pre-pubic masturbation. Hence it is used with benefit in epilepsy due to the same cause. In this respect it closely resembles Bufo”.

“It suits young girls with premature development of sexual organs and instincts. This often leads to nymphomania and to similar vicious practices. This is also due to the titillating and tingling sensation in the genitals. Under Platinum this instinct of nymphomania becomes more in women in their lying-in state. Another peculiar feature with theses Platinum cases is the great sensitiveness of the sexual organs. This aggravation sensitiveness makes coition digital examination practically impossible. Sometimes we find them fainting during these acts”.

Other remedies that are indicated in aggravated sexual cravings each with its own distinctive feature are:

In Aster the sexual craving is insatiable and is not removed by coitus.

In Apis we have intense sexual desire in widows.

Coffea has excessive sensitiveness about the genitals with voluptuous itching.

In Gratiola as in Platinum the desire is increased in the lying-in women.

Hyoscyamus has as great a sexual craving. The patient is decidedly lascivious and her extreme lasciviousness leads her to impudent exposure of the pudenda. She is also given to smutty talk.

Kali Phos is to be thought of in premature growth of virgin girls. In this remedy the desire becomes intense after each menstrual period.

Lilium Tig. is indicated in a similar insatiable desire for sexual gratification in women with ovarian complaints. There is voluptuous itching in the vagina with a feeling of fullness in this part.

No remedy can come near Murex as regards the intensity of sexual passion. The desire is insatiable and uncontrollable; it simply drives the patient crazy. The slightest touch renews this craving.

Phosphorus is helpful in nymphomania in widows; in this remedy the excess of desire is due to a condition of forced celibacy. The irresistible desire for coition leads her on to lascivious exposure of the genitals a sin Hyoscyamus. However, in today’s social circumstances this may not really be applicable. But the skill of the homeopath is in being able to draw out other reasons that may be leading to forced celibacy, and prescribe the remedy taking into account other symptoms.

Tarentula causes great hyperaemia and hyperesthesia of the female sexual system which lead to extreme sexual excitement. This is the reason why it makes such an important remedy in nymphomania. They are simply forced to resort to this vile habit from the intensity of the excitement. In males it leads to onanism (loss of excessive ejaculate) and imbecility, ending in insanity.

It is a great remedy for intense unbearable pruritus vluvae extending into the vagina. The itchiness is great indeed at night time; with dryness heat of the parts, burning and frequent expulsion of gas from the vagina. The patient is driven mad every night. The urine generally is thick, hot and full of sediments.

Calcarea Phosphorica has many important symptoms of the sexual system both in males and females. Sexual desire is increased; erection is painful, it occurs even while riding in a carriage. In females we notice nymphomania with incessant desire, particularly before catamenia. The sexual parts feel alive with blood. She feels pulsations in the parts with an increase of sexual desire. Even urination brings erection of the clitoris. There is leucorrhoea which is of a cream like consistency. The menses are profuse and the patient is weak and consumptive. The catamenial flow is dark. We notice labor-like pains before and during catamenia. Throbbing, stinging, tickling and pressing pains in the genitals, going up towards symphysis and downwards to the thighs are mostly present.

Raphanus Sativa has marked action on the female sexual system. We use it in hysteria specially when associated with pain in uterus and titillation in genitals forcing her to onanism (masturbation). The sensation of globus hystericus is also present. A round hot foreign body starting from the fundus of uterus stops at the entrance of the throat and chokes her. As regards nymphomania Raphanus ranks equal to Gratiola and Origanum. Great sexual excitement starting in the morning and continuing till 11 pm is noticed. This brings on a sort of sexual insomnia. The irritation in the organs keeps her awake far into the night. Raphanus cures the insomnia by putting a stop to the irritant which is the root cause of the trouble.

On the flip side we have Sepia where there is great dislike towards sexual intercourse. The female sexual system is particularly amenable to its influence. Its symptoms are many and varied. In the first place it causes a great sensitiveness of the sexual organs, which is the root cause of the great dislike towards sexual intercourse, betrayed by these patients. The congestion on which so much importance has been laid leads to induration of the ovaries with their appendages and of the neck of the uterus. It is this congestion which brings into being the great feeling of downward pressure in the pelvic cavity, compelling the patient to cross her thighs to prevent protrusion of the already prolapsed uterus. This is indeed an inevitable state of affairs, which may be certainly and permanently put right by the timely administration of Sepia by the conscientious homeopath who takes the pains to go into the minutest details of symptoms and never grudges patient application over the long pages of his material medica. This displacement of the womb also causes oppression of breath and anxiety and is accompanied by a greenish, yellow, leucorrheal discharge of fetid smell and corrosive nature. Dr Nash in his “Testimony of the clinic” cites a case of one Mrs Alice W., age 56, who was suffering from complete procidentia with all its accompanying symptoms. A dose of Sepia cm (Sepia potency 1,00,000) not only removed all the annoying symptoms but helped to draw the uterus back into the vaginal cavity.

Please do not take this as a guide for prescribing any remedy. If you wish to prescribe a remedy always look at the totality of symptoms. When I say totality of symptoms it means that all of the following should be considered: Complaint and history, Generalities, Mind or psychological symptoms, Head, eyes, ears, nose, face (skin color, look etc.), appetite, Food – likes and dislikes, stomach, abdomen, bowels, kidneys, urine, respiratory symptoms, chest, heart, neck, back, extremities, skin, fever, sleep, temperature, time of aggravation, time of amelioration, and any other peculiarities you may capture. Thus going just by the symptoms listed above would be a grave mistake. It is often said that taking the wrong homeopathic medication cannot harm you; please don’t forget if it can benefit you a wrongly chosen remedy may harm you. Unlike allopathic treatment, homeopathy requires a lot of skill and experience to have any beneficial effect. So stay healthy and keep your primal instincts in check.


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