Wednesday, 24 April 2013

How to make easy money (Rs 124 million or USD 2.26 million in 4 years)

I was recently approached by someone with another money making scheme. I declined because I do not trust any scheme where I am promised a lot of money, and am asked to put up a small investment upfront. If someone actually has a real business he simply needs good people to work for him, people who can perform. So I declined the offer. However, let me first tell you what the plan was:

I needed to put up a small sum of money (sorry I did not ask how much). These amounts are usually small like a hundred dollars (INR 6,820) or so. This is a non-refundable fee. Now I was told that I needed to make two groups of 6 people each, who would all have to pay a hundred dollars each as joining fee. Once I have the two teams ready I would be paid a little over 100 dollars (INR 6,000).

Next I would need to work with and help these 12 individuals to sell the idea to another 12 people under them. For each of these 144 individuals I would get 1300 dollars (INR 72,000).

So now I have an overall team of 144+12=156 individuals. I can now add more people at level one or level 2 as I wish.

Let’s say I decide to help level 2 the 144 people to acquire 12 individuals each. This, if done successfully would increase the team size to 144X12=1728 individuals. Once this happens, I get a commission of Rs 864,000 (USD 16,000). Now my team / organization size is 12+144+1728=1884 individuals, in the three levels. I can keep adding individuals at any level. For simplicity sake let us say I decide to work with level three:

I help level 3 to acquire 12 individuals each. If done successfully this would add 1728X12=20,736 individuals to the organization, and I would get Rs 10,368,000 (USD 190,000). I do not know if this sounds good in dollar terms but it certainly sounds good in rupee terms.

Now if we can move to level 5 we will potentially have an organization size of 20,736x12=248,832 individuals. And my commission would be Rs 124 million (USD 2.26 million). So the numbers at this level sound great, but the million dollar question is can we make it work. I don’t think it can work, but if there is anyone out there who thinks it can work, please let me know.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Homeopathy: Treatment of breast infection

This is about a young woman aged about 27 years, she works for me as domestic help. Recently she gave birth to a baby boy. One day she did not turn up for work. On enquiry I found that the baby was unwell. Next day she came and told me that the child was unwell because her breasts were engorged and she was in a lot of pain and she may have infected the baby. She was not being able to feed the child properly. The milk was plenty, but the pain was preventing her from breast feeding the child. She went to a doctor and was given medication and lotions. She took the medicine for three days which included medication for the child who had had fever. However, there was no improvement in her condition and the pain continued for another two days. She then asked me to give her some homeopathic medication for her condition. On the morning of April 23, 2013 at 10am, I gave her Bryonia 30c. She was advised to take a dose every half hour till the pain subsided, to be reviewed thereafter. She came to work at 5pm, but had taken only 5 doses of the medicine. However, the pain had reduced and she had breastfed the baby 3 times. She has been advised to continue Bryonia and massage the breasts with coconut oil or til oil or “desi ghee” (fat made by processing butter).

The next morning her pain had reduced. In about ten days she was perfectly fine.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

My first post Version 2

All that I am writing here is based on my experience with Chinese martial art, Yoga, Iron Crotch Qigong and other type of exercises over the past 20 years. Anyone suffering from sexual dysfunction of any kind; premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, lack of sexual appetite, low sexual interest - especially in women, lack of fulfillment of desire in bachelors, widows and spinsters, should consider practicing Yoga and sexual Qigong. There are many emotional and psychological problems that arise due to excessive masturbation and onanism, which can also be cured using Yoga and Qigong. In extreme cases we may need help from Ayurveda and Homeopathy. The exercises and techniques can also help low sperm count, women not being able to have children due to medical issues or otherwise.  All techniques described here will only benefit you to some degree. We need to understand that all ancient exercises, martial art, yoga, qigong etc. aimed at one thing better sexual health which is the key to general health. The first step to nirvana starts with first having perfect health, which in turn depends on sexual health.

Onanism and Masturbation
Let me quickly touch upon the two curses of modern times - Onanism and Masturbation. Onanism is the act of withdrawing the penis during sexual intercourse so that ejaculation takes place outside the vagina. Most readers would consider Onanism and Masturbation harmless acts. However, while studying Homeopathy over the years I have found many remedies (medicines) that treat mental and emotional derangement arising out of these two acts. When we say Onanism or Masturbation, we are really talking about ejaculation taking place outside the vagina. The belief behind it is that sexual intercourse is meant for procreation and is not a recreational exercise. Nature has programmed us to enjoy the act for perpetual existence of the human race. It is like eating, we are meant to eat to provide nourishment and energy to our body, but we mostly eat because we enjoy it. In the same manner we indulge in sexual activity mostly for pleasure not necessarily for procreation. This unnatural way of indulging in sexual activity harms men more than women. You can find more on the subject in my post “How to stop a masturbation addiction”. The practice of Yoga and Qigong will not only help strengthen the sexual system, but also remove excessive sexual urge which usually leads to the abuse of the body.

Yoga – Pranayama (breathing exercises)
There are many breathing exercises (pranayama) described in Ancient Hindu scriptures (Vedas). Different exercises have an effect on different “Chakras” or systems of the body. However the starting point towards better sexual health and enjoyment is the “mooladhar chakra”. This is simply the reproduction system of the body. Doing exercises to improve the reproductive system has a dramatic effect on your overall wellbeing. The basis of good health is the reproductive system. These exercises actually bring about hormonal and chemical changes in the body. Two exercises, Kapaal Bhati, from the Indian system and Sexual (or Iron Crotch) Qigong (or Chi Kung or Chi gung), are great to strengthen and make the sexual sphere disease free and increase pleasure and overall wellbeing.

Kapaal Bhati
Kapaal Bhati can be practiced both by men and women. It is best practiced in the morning before eating anything, in open air. Doing it indoors will benefit, but a little less. The objective of the exercise is to increase Oxygen levels in blood. Most of us usually breathe very shallow and do 10 to 12 repetitions per minute. In Kapaal Bhati you increase repetitions to 60 per minute. Kapaal bhati is done sitting down, cross legged on the floor. It is good to sit on the floor or grass without a mat. However, if you want you may use a mat, and even do it indoors on a bed, couch or chair. I would not recommend doing it standing. It is a simple exercise where you breathe in as you normally do and quickly, with a little extra force, push the air out through the nose. When you breathe out you should feel the same stress in your lungs, upper and lower abdomen, as you would when you cough. Try keeping your body straight and shoulders should not move. To start with 30 or 40 repetitions per minute are good, do not force yourself, do as fast as you can, comfortably. To get any meaningful benefit you need to do Kapaal Bhati for at least 15 minutes continuously, or let’s say that is your final target. You will start experiencing changes in about 40 days. However, do not start doing 15 minutes from day one. Start with one set of one or two minutes. Slowly increase the number of sets and duration per set. Your goal is to do at least 3 sets of 5 minutes each. Once you reach this point continue for at least 40 days to experience changes. I however started doing 25 minutes from the first when I started, in five sets of 5 minutes each, without any problem. But this I could do because I was already doing a lot of other physical exercises, including running and stomach crunches. So if you are someone who is physically fit and exercises, go ahead and start at whatever level you want, but never exceed more than 30 minutes of kapaal bhati. This exercise when done right, increases blood flow in general and specifically to the mooladhaar chakra (the genetalia), which very often results in erection of the penis in males during the exercise. I did not get an erection at the start, but six months into practicing kapaal bahti it started happening spontaneously. This erection is different from the one you would get during foreplay or looking at erotica. It is fuller, healthy and not requiring sexual release of any kind. If you have the opportunity to indulge in sexual intercourse or masturbate, it would be counterproductive to do so. You need to let this sexual energy play its role in healing or energizing the body. When you get the erection, pulling the perineum muscles will move the energy upward, and the erection will subside.  Perineum muscles can be isolated easily, simply think of the muscles you use to stop urine flow mid-stream.

Within 40 days you will feel healthier, sexier, more energetic, emotionally and mentally stronger. If you are sexually overactive, you will find yourself having less but better quality of sex. If you masturbate and want to give it up, Kapaal Bhati will help. Your sperm count will normalize, in extreme cases it may take a longer time for this to happen. It will help premature ejaculation if you suffer from it. Your penis size may increase; my penis has grown by ¾ of an inch and I get firmer and healthier erections. Your skin quality will improve. Your weight and blood sugar will normalize. Your resistance to disease will increase. If you have some existing medical condition it will improve too. In short you will find a general improvement in overall health and you will start feeling sexier. You will find a kind of healthy glow on your face. You will become calmer and if you are an angry person you will be able to control your anger easily. This will benefit your people skills. It will also make you more productive, by providing you with more energy thru the day. If you are a smoker or drink too much, regular kapaal bahti will help you get rid of the addictions.

Sexual Qigong (chi kung or chi gung) also called Iron Crotch Qigong
Sexual Qigong does not talk about sexual abstention whereas yoga and pranayama practitioners recommend sexual abstention (or brahmachrya) especially for men.  Women have started practicing yogic exercises and pranayama in modern times, however ancient Hindu scriptures only give examples of techniques used by men.

Sexual Qigong should be practiced in the morning, preferably with morning wood (erection). However, the bladder should be empty. In my experience, I lose the erection when emptying the bladder. So what I recommend is that you stimulate (do not ejaculate), and bring the penis to erection. What I do, however is, I use Kapal Bhati (see my previous post for details). 5 minutes of Kapal Bhati gives me an erection similar to a morning erection. Let me add that even if you are unable to have an erection you may practice Sexual Qigong without an erection. Even without an erection you will benefit from it.

To start with look for a private space. You can use a room or practice out in the open. The space should not be to hot or cold. Remove all your clothes. Sit on the edge of a chair, a bed, a step…. Rub your hands together and cup your testicles with one hand, placing your thumb where the penis joins the lower abdomen. With the other hand massage the area between the navel and the root of the penis 81 times going from top to bottom, in a circular motion. Then change hands and repeat the process again. Next sit with your hands clenched into a fist, with your fingers around your thumb. Place the fists lightly on your lap. Concentrate on the area between your anus and testicles and pull this area (the perineum) upwards. An easy way to isolate this muscle is to think of the muscle used to stop urination mid-stream. This pulls the sexual energy upwards starting at the base of the spine. If you started with an erection, it will reduce during the massage and should completely subside when pulling the perineum upward. If you practice this daily in about a month you should start feeling more energetic. I suggest you do not waste this energy indulging in excessive sexual intercourse or masturbation. Let the energy work on your body. This energy can help you get rid of any medical conditions you may have or simply make your body healthier.

If you want I will send you an uncensored version showing exactly how to hold the penis and scrotum.

 The Penis Bible

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Friday, 19 April 2013

Does homeopathy work?

This post is part of Harry’s blog at

Does Homeopathy work? is a difficult question to answer, however I am attempting to do just that here. Homeopathy has a placebo effect. This is a statement I have heard very often. My answer to this is that as long as it cures my headache, cancer, tumor, addiction or whatever, I don’t care if I am simply being fooled by the “Placebo effect” or it is really working. However, taking the argument against homeopathy forward it is scientifically possible to prove that remedies of homeopathy do not contain any real medicine. Let us look at how remedies are prepared. I have mostly used remedies in 30c potency. As an example let’s take Arsenicum. Arsenic is a lethal poison and less than a gram of arsenic can kill a person. To prepare the first level or 1c (mother tincture) of the Homeopathic remedy we take one part by weight of the arsenic (vitreous arsenous acid) and boil it to a complete solution in sixty parts of water. This is filtered and more distilled water added till it is raised to ninety parts. This is then added to ten parts of ninety-five p.c. alcohol. To make 2c potency we add one part 1c to 100 parts of alcohol. To make 3c potency we add 1 part 2c to 100 parts of alcohol, thus the dilution is now 10,000 times or 1 followed by 4 zeros. We keep repeating the process till we reach potency 30c, the dilution is 1 followed by 58 zeros. If you take it forward to say 200c the dilution is 1 followed by 398 zeros. Homeopathic remedies may be diluted 100,000 times in a similar way. At this point the dilution of the substance is 1 followed by 199,998 zeros.

Now let us look at how the remedies are administered. Homeopathic remedies can be used in two ways. One, a couple of drops of the remedy, as prepared by the dilution process described above, may be put in a tablespoon of distilled water and taken as a dose or sugar pills may be saturated with the remedy and sucked as and when required. Both methods are equally effective, but the second one is preferred for convenience. In each case the amount of the material if one was to calculate, in theory, would not be present in all doses of the medication, Or maybe a molecule would be present in a few thousand doses of remedies prepared by this dilution process. However, I know from experience that all remedies of homeopathy work and I have experienced some very dramatic cases.

Recently I had a swelling (abscess) in the top left wisdom tooth. The tooth is hollow, broken and in very bad shape. I went to a dentist and he recommended extraction. Before the extraction I was told to take a course of antibiotics. Usually after the surgery (extraction) one has to take another course of antibiotics. I was in a lot of pain, so I started and completed the course of antibiotics. The abscess receded and the pain went away and I never went back for the extraction. A few months later the pain started again and the same infection was back. Again I was recommended antibiotics and extraction but I decided to try a homeopathic remedy. After looking at many remedies I decided to take Hepar Sulf in 30c potency. The remedy worked like magic. In two days the abscess and pain were gone. I still have what is left of the tooth. I just keep it clean and at the slightest sign of infection I take a few doses of Hepar Sulf.

Going back to the placebo effect of homeopathy, I fail to understand how an abscess can get better, if what I was taking were dummy pills. I have been using homeopathic remedies for over 20 years now and very often I find that, for any given complaint just one remedy brings complete relief.

Homeopathy works on the principle of similia similibus curanter (curentur), this means that whatever substance induces symptoms can potentially cure the same symptoms. The principle is used to some extent in modern medicine where vaccines have been developed on similar lines. The difference however is that allopathic medicines use it as preventive, but homeopathy uses the principle to create remedies for already developed diseases and there are instances where homeopathic remedies have cured tumors and cancer. Homeopathy has another advantage, it can catch a disease even when modern pathological lab tests, cannot detect the disease. Lab tests will usually detect a disease once it is fully developed or at least more than 70% developed. These tests cannot catch any deviation in energy and vitality, which usually happens years before a disease will show up in a pathological lab test.

In modern day practice of homeopathy however, homeopaths and medicine manufacturers have started using some very “un-homeopathic” methods. According to the principles of homeopathy only one remedy should be prescribed for a complaint. However, mostly one finds homeopaths prescribe two or more remedies. This usually happens because the amount of time required to pinpoint the correct remedy can be ridiculously high. The practitioner and the patient both want a quick fix. They want homeopathy to work like allopathy does. However, homeopathy requires a lot of skill and a bit of trial and error to hit upon the correct remedy. So when a homeopath finds three or four remedies which probably fit the symptoms he usually prescribes all of them to be taken by rotation. Thereby he spoils the case and sometimes induces more symptoms.

Homeopathic remedy manufacturing companies also produce mixtures of more than one remedy, against the principle of homeopathic prescribing and push homeopaths to prescribe these formulations, purely for profit. They make specific remedy mixtures for specific complaints, which are touted to work for anyone with a specific problem. However, the principles of homeopathy say that you need to find one specific remedy keeping in mind the complaint, the patient and totality of symptoms specific to that patient and symptoms.

There may be times however, when one remedy does not cover all the symptoms, so the homeopath should tackle the bigger issue first, one this is cured he should move on to other issues if any. Sometimes a well-chosen remedy will not only rid the patient of the known symptoms of a remedy but also other symptoms not yet documented. So it becomes the duty of the homeopath to document any new symptoms he may come across and share it with the rest of the homeopathic community.

In conclusion I would like to say that firstly homeopathy works and has been working for over 200 years, when Samuel Hahnemann first discovered and documented the principles of homeopathy. Secondly, it is possible to rubbish the potential of homeopathy, because one can prove statistically and scientifically that homeopathy cannot work. Thirdly, to all the skeptics there is only one thing to be said, you need to try it and then decide on whether it is worth using homeopathy or not. Last but not the least, the reason why homeopathy is not as popular as it should be is mostly because the people in the business of homeopathy do not have obscenely high budgets, even a fraction of what modern medical professionals, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies have. Today the game, even in medicine, is that to pushing services down the consumer’s throat, rather than that of merit. 


Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Dangers of travelling to India

India is a beautiful country and it is relatively inexpensive to travel here. But there are challenges and you have to be careful about quite a few things. Most people will tell you to be careful with water and food, about being cheated and misguided, but very few will tell you to be careful about the air you breathe. Many other authors have written about a lot of stuff so let me tell you about the quality of air. The Indian government has legislated many laws which cover virtually everything under the sun. Regarding air quality in the capital New Delhi, even smoking in public places is not allowed. If you travel to the Delhi, and are staying in one of the more expensive hotels where you keep the windows closed, there is less of a problem. However in inexpensive hotels and when outdoors, you are at great risk of catching something from the bad quality of air.
There is no risk from vehicular pollution or at least the vehicles meet the most stringent emission norms. It is not the citizens but government departments who are responsible for a lot of pollution that can give you a breathing problem, especially of you already have a slightly weakened respiratory system. Delhi is very beautiful with many parks, forests and gardens. However, these also pose a threat. The weather in Delhi is such that we have a fall like condition virtually thru the year. During winter months (November, December, January, February), trees shed leaves because it is too cold. Even when temperatures start to rise in March, April and May trees keep shedding leaves in very large quantity and new fresh leaves start to grow. By the time it is June the temperatures become very high and the shedding of leaves starts once again and. I the months of July, August and September we have the monsoon when the trees do not shed leaves as much but the growth of grass becomes rapid. We have vast areas covered with grass which is under municipal control, including some other agencies. However, all these agencies are under the control of bureaucrats or politicians, who are not accountable for anything that happens, nor are they interested in doing the right thing even if matters are brought to their notice. As a result, large quantities of grass are cut all over the capital. All the fallen leaves and large quantities of grass that is cut and collected is, mostly disposed of by burning, creating large scale pollution and health problems for the residents and anyone travelling to the city, thru the year.
So when you travel to New Delhi, India, you need to be very careful not just about getting duped or catching a stomach flu or diarrhea, but also about getting a lung infection or breathing problems.
I am myself a resident of New Delhi and have been suffering; I believe I suffer from Chronic Fatigue (CFS) induced by this pollution. Bringing it to the notice of virtually all persons in authority including the Chief Minister, Mrs. Sheila Dikshit, has fallen on deaf ears. If you are concerned about this type of pollution that can easily be controlled by government action please write to the Chief Minister of Delhi Mrs Sheila Dikshit at the following address:
Ms Sheila Dikshit
Chief Minister of Delhi
Government of NCT – Delhi
Delhi Secretariat
New Delhi 110 002

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Curing erotomania, nymphomania, hyper-sexuality, epilepsy and masturbation in women

Masturbation is more of a male issue than a problem for women, mostly because men get sexual satisfaction from the release of semen and sperm and women from receiving it as the end of the act. So the fact is that it is not orgasm but giving and receiving of sperm, and procreation, which is the goal. Women like more sensuous and gentle things. A woman would get out of her clothes and do house work in the nude, she will not want to sit around looking nude men and masturbate. When she’s hot she may want to go out in public without her bra and panties on, wearing a sensuous dress. Also women have an advantage over men when it comes to finding a mate, a woman can virtually snap her fingers and there would be ten men wanting to sleep with her, but men don’t have it so easy. However, women at different points in their lives and due to varied reasons often are driven to masturbation and many enjoy it through their lives. But it remains a deviant act and has its health consequences. When men masturbate occasionally it may be considered healthy by some, it’s like keeping your engine running. When a woman masturbates it could be a psychological, emotional or physiological issue and much more deep rooted, mostly bordering on some sort of medically treatable problem. Often you may find women masturbate when the man they are with is not sensitive enough to see to it that she also has an orgasm, but this is not always the reason. The idea of this post is not to talk about the morality, but to look at some homeopathic remedies and conditions under which they are used. This is not an exhaustive list but some of the remedies and conditions of use are:

Origanum: “The remedy has a particular affinity for the female sexual organs, where it sets up great irritation and excitement. Erotomania, unconquerable lascivious impulses, and voluptuousness are symptoms that call for Origanum. The irritation is so great that in spite of every attempt she makes, she is driven to Onanism (masturbation) and self-abuse. All her life and impulses are centred on the sexual system. Everything around her is suggestive of sexual phenomena and she rushes on to its gratification on the slightly pretext”. Other comparable remedies are:

Calcaria Phos., Phosphorous, and Veratrum Viride: in these remedies the excitement is greatly increased before the menstrual period.

Canthrides, Hyoscmous, Lachises, Platinum and Pulsitilla: in these remedies the aggravation of sexual impulses is particularly noticeable during menstruation.

Bufo Rana: ” I have had very gratifying results from Bufo in epilepsy, in a ‘negro’ girl aged about 17 or 18 years. The least pressure on the right hypo gastric region used to throw her into violent fits. From her shy, downward look, listlessness, indifference I had cause to suspect that she was a great victim to this vicious hadit (of masturbation). Since she has been put on Bufo, she has kept free from any further attack”.

Platinum: “It produces great sexual excitement of sexual passion both in males and females. In grown-up people this leads on to excessive venery, whereas in young boys (and girls) not having the opportunity of their elders, it ushers in the pernicious habit of self-abuse. Platinum is rightly recommended by Gallavardin for the impulses to pederasty and sodomy. It also removes the ill-effects of pre-pubic masturbation. Hence it is used with benefit in epilepsy due to the same cause. In this respect it closely resembles Bufo”.

“It suits young girls with premature development of sexual organs and instincts. This often leads to nymphomania and to similar vicious practices. This is also due to the titillating and tingling sensation in the genitals. Under Platinum this instinct of nymphomania becomes more in women in their lying-in state. Another peculiar feature with theses Platinum cases is the great sensitiveness of the sexual organs. This aggravation sensitiveness makes coition digital examination practically impossible. Sometimes we find them fainting during these acts”.

Other remedies that are indicated in aggravated sexual cravings each with its own distinctive feature are:

In Aster the sexual craving is insatiable and is not removed by coitus.

In Apis we have intense sexual desire in widows.

Coffea has excessive sensitiveness about the genitals with voluptuous itching.

In Gratiola as in Platinum the desire is increased in the lying-in women.

Hyoscyamus has as great a sexual craving. The patient is decidedly lascivious and her extreme lasciviousness leads her to impudent exposure of the pudenda. She is also given to smutty talk.

Kali Phos is to be thought of in premature growth of virgin girls. In this remedy the desire becomes intense after each menstrual period.

Lilium Tig. is indicated in a similar insatiable desire for sexual gratification in women with ovarian complaints. There is voluptuous itching in the vagina with a feeling of fullness in this part.

No remedy can come near Murex as regards the intensity of sexual passion. The desire is insatiable and uncontrollable; it simply drives the patient crazy. The slightest touch renews this craving.

Phosphorus is helpful in nymphomania in widows; in this remedy the excess of desire is due to a condition of forced celibacy. The irresistible desire for coition leads her on to lascivious exposure of the genitals a sin Hyoscyamus. However, in today’s social circumstances this may not really be applicable. But the skill of the homeopath is in being able to draw out other reasons that may be leading to forced celibacy, and prescribe the remedy taking into account other symptoms.

Tarentula causes great hyperaemia and hyperesthesia of the female sexual system which lead to extreme sexual excitement. This is the reason why it makes such an important remedy in nymphomania. They are simply forced to resort to this vile habit from the intensity of the excitement. In males it leads to onanism (loss of excessive ejaculate) and imbecility, ending in insanity.

It is a great remedy for intense unbearable pruritus vluvae extending into the vagina. The itchiness is great indeed at night time; with dryness heat of the parts, burning and frequent expulsion of gas from the vagina. The patient is driven mad every night. The urine generally is thick, hot and full of sediments.

Calcarea Phosphorica has many important symptoms of the sexual system both in males and females. Sexual desire is increased; erection is painful, it occurs even while riding in a carriage. In females we notice nymphomania with incessant desire, particularly before catamenia. The sexual parts feel alive with blood. She feels pulsations in the parts with an increase of sexual desire. Even urination brings erection of the clitoris. There is leucorrhoea which is of a cream like consistency. The menses are profuse and the patient is weak and consumptive. The catamenial flow is dark. We notice labor-like pains before and during catamenia. Throbbing, stinging, tickling and pressing pains in the genitals, going up towards symphysis and downwards to the thighs are mostly present.

Raphanus Sativa has marked action on the female sexual system. We use it in hysteria specially when associated with pain in uterus and titillation in genitals forcing her to onanism (masturbation). The sensation of globus hystericus is also present. A round hot foreign body starting from the fundus of uterus stops at the entrance of the throat and chokes her. As regards nymphomania Raphanus ranks equal to Gratiola and Origanum. Great sexual excitement starting in the morning and continuing till 11 pm is noticed. This brings on a sort of sexual insomnia. The irritation in the organs keeps her awake far into the night. Raphanus cures the insomnia by putting a stop to the irritant which is the root cause of the trouble.

On the flip side we have Sepia where there is great dislike towards sexual intercourse. The female sexual system is particularly amenable to its influence. Its symptoms are many and varied. In the first place it causes a great sensitiveness of the sexual organs, which is the root cause of the great dislike towards sexual intercourse, betrayed by these patients. The congestion on which so much importance has been laid leads to induration of the ovaries with their appendages and of the neck of the uterus. It is this congestion which brings into being the great feeling of downward pressure in the pelvic cavity, compelling the patient to cross her thighs to prevent protrusion of the already prolapsed uterus. This is indeed an inevitable state of affairs, which may be certainly and permanently put right by the timely administration of Sepia by the conscientious homeopath who takes the pains to go into the minutest details of symptoms and never grudges patient application over the long pages of his material medica. This displacement of the womb also causes oppression of breath and anxiety and is accompanied by a greenish, yellow, leucorrheal discharge of fetid smell and corrosive nature. Dr Nash in his “Testimony of the clinic” cites a case of one Mrs Alice W., age 56, who was suffering from complete procidentia with all its accompanying symptoms. A dose of Sepia cm (Sepia potency 1,00,000) not only removed all the annoying symptoms but helped to draw the uterus back into the vaginal cavity.

Please do not take this as a guide for prescribing any remedy. If you wish to prescribe a remedy always look at the totality of symptoms. When I say totality of symptoms it means that all of the following should be considered: Complaint and history, Generalities, Mind or psychological symptoms, Head, eyes, ears, nose, face (skin color, look etc.), appetite, Food – likes and dislikes, stomach, abdomen, bowels, kidneys, urine, respiratory symptoms, chest, heart, neck, back, extremities, skin, fever, sleep, temperature, time of aggravation, time of amelioration, and any other peculiarities you may capture. Thus going just by the symptoms listed above would be a grave mistake. It is often said that taking the wrong homeopathic medication cannot harm you; please don’t forget if it can benefit you a wrongly chosen remedy may harm you. Unlike allopathic treatment, homeopathy requires a lot of skill and experience to have any beneficial effect. So stay healthy and keep your primal instincts in check.


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Coitus interruptus, Onanism and Masturbation.

The three words are used interchangeably by some. However, the three are quite different. There is only one thing in common; in every case ejaculation takes place outside the vagina. In this discussion I will not look at the ethical or the “sin” aspect of any of the acts. Coitus interruptus is the act of pulling out during intercourse and ejaculating outside the vagina. This is practiced by some as a way of birth control, but it may not be completely effective, sperm may slip by in pre ejaculation fluid. So there could be risk of conception, like it could happen if you ejaculated thru the panties of your partner.

Masturbation is the act when you are usually not with a woman and stimulate yourself and thereby have an orgasm, and ejaculate. There could be variants to the act of masturbation. You could ask your girlfriend to give you a hand job or a stimulate you or orally. You could do it between her breasts or her navel. All these can be fun but at best are modern day perversions. I have done it between a woman’s legs, been given a hand job while watching a movie. I have done it thru panties. When I was very young I have rubbed myself to a full orgasm thru my girlfriend’s clothes. You could even do it in the anus. All these acts could be clubbed under masturbation. As long as you do not penetrate the woman and ejaculate it should be called masturbation. Sexual intercourse or love making is when you penetrate a woman and finish off inside her, delivering all your sperm inside to potentially fertilize her. The real objective of sexual intercourse is not pleasure but procreation. Pleasure is the candy nature gives you, so that the human race does not come to an end.

Onanism finds its origins in the bible. Onan, the son of Judah married his brother’s widow in accordance with Jewish law. He was to plant his seed in her and deliver a son for his brother. Onan married his sister-in-law, slept with her but would not plant his seed in her. He would spill his seed on the ground, because he did not want to give her a child. Now this, as described in the bible is coitus interruptus, but is a highly debated topic. There are as many interpretations to Onan’s story as there are thinking men. My purpose here is not to bring another interpretation to the table, but to look at it from Homeopathic medical angle. During my study of Homeopathy, I found that Homeopaths use the term to describe any sexual act where the ejaculation takes place outside the vagina. So Homeopaths include Masturbation and coitus interruptus within the purview of Onanism. In Homeopathy there are serious consequences of Onanism. It can lead to serious emotional, psychological and physical damage. In N.M.Choudhuri’s (MD) “A study of Materia Medica” He writes in symptoms of the remedy Staphisagria: “Staphisagria is the premier remedy of the 20th century because it is called for the premier vice of the present time, we mean the evil habit of Onanism. All the melancholy symptoms that appear in the train of this evil habit find, as we shall very soon see, a great help in Staphisagria. These patients look abashed; they cannot look you straight in the face; a guilty conscience is constantly reminding them of their despicable treason against law of nature. Their countenance, which but for their filthy habit might have been full of life and health and happiness, is indicative of total wreckage. The nose is pointed and the eyes are sunken with blue rings around them. Not a ray of hope, not a ray of ambition lighten their brows and their whole expression is one of solid darkness, apathy and indifference. Their memory too has suffered from the great drain on the vital fluid. After short mental work they complain of a sensation of weight between the eyes. In a short while they so completely forget all that they have studied that they are scarcely able to recall them even after long reflection. We very often come across such sad cases of young men who, through this pernicious habit, get transformed into blank idiocy and stand sorely in need of remedies like Staphisagria. Their sensitiveness is so highly strained that it is a matter of extreme difficulty to live peaceably with them. They cannot brook any slight and when no slight is meant they will construe other people’s dealings as indicative of such and feel miserable over the supposed slight”. In the case of the remedy named China he says “China finds its usefulness in the ailments of the male sexual organs, especially in impotence (Erectile Dysfunction) from over indulgence, and in other consequences of excessive or long continued seminal losses”. In case of Aurum Metallicum Doctor Choudhuri says “It is used epididymitis, orchitis, balanitis and induration of testes…. Frequent discharge of prostatic fluid the effect of onanism, while associated with settled melancholia and suicidal mania, point to Autum Met. as their sure remedy”.

If we look at the Homeopathic view closely, the Homeopath is not talking about the ethical or religious issues he is commenting upon simple loss of vitality due to excessive loss of ejaculate. It takes the body a lot of work to generate semen and sperm. Ayurveda says that a drop is equal to eight drops of blood. So, when you ejaculate 5ml of semen it is equal to about 40ml of blood. So if you do that every day for a year you lose material worth 15 litres of blood. If you are producing more semen and sperm you will lose more. It is not rare for a man to do this for a few years especially when he is young, I have done it every day for many years when I was younger and am paying the price.

So how does ejaculating within the vagina help. First, it will never be possible for a woman to have sex every day for 365 days a year, whereas an addict may masturbate up to 5 times a day. She is going to have to take time off for various reasons, unlike a man. Also, if you were not in a relationship you would not go looking for a mate every day. You try any scenario and if you decided to ejaculate within a woman every time you could not possibly lose as much ejaculate as you could by other means. Whichever way you look at it, the point is to save as much of the vital fluid as you can and let it help restore your own lost vitality instead of wasting it.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Why men like porn and women don’t

Men like to masturbate to porn, but ask a woman and she will at the least not understand why and in most cases a woman would be disgusted by it. But most of us guys love it. Personally I don’t really like hard-core stuff. I somehow do not want to see a man screwing a woman who is desperately trying to make you believe that she is loving it. For me the fun part of the whole deal ends once the clothes are off and penetration takes place. Also what is the fun in seeing the same action repeated over and over till the man ejaculates and the woman pretends to have an orgasm. If at all I would like to see a woman do a striptease or two women make out. Striptease is something that is natural to both men seeing it and women doing it. Men are designed to be attracted by the visuals of women and parts of women. However a bit of what we get excited by also depends on our cultural and social conditioning. In some cultures where a woman is not supposed to show her face or some other part of her, a man could easily get excited by just looking at her face, her ankle, her neck or whatever he is not conditioned to see. Considering, the modern woman is liberated and cannot be pressed to abide by any sexual rules; she wears tight clothes showing her shape, she shows everything and does everything that will make men respond. She may not want to direct it towards every man out there, but has no option. In the process men are becoming more and more visually desensitized. You have seen nearly everything the only thing left that will excite are breasts and vagina. If women decided to walk around in the nude, we would need to sexually redesign men’s responses from scratch.

Women are designed to show off, all they have. It is a simple equation of action and reaction. The woman is supposed to create exciting visuals and the man is supposed to react to them and this is what makes pornographic material so popular with men. Just imagine if men stopped getting excited by visuals created by women, it would mark the end of the human race. We may think we are a highly evolved race, but the fact is the primal instinct to procreate is as old as the human race itself and will probably never change. Men are supposed to get sexually excited by the visuals of a firm round breast, but if the breast was square, men would have been wired to respond to that. We are excited by the body shape of a woman only because we are programmed to do so. In different parts of the world and different cultures the parameters that define beauty are different depending upon the shape women have taken because of the weather, diet and other factors. Any man who pretends not to look at women very openly is simply well trained to disguise his sexual response to the presence of women. I don’ think there would be a man alive or dead who was not excited by the body or presence of a woman.

Coming back to my topic, why we men like to watch porn and most women don’t is because the way we are “wired”. Women are programmed to sexually respond to touch and smell more than visual inputs. So showing a woman your penis cannot generate the same response as a woman taking off her clothes. Men are “wired” for visual response. Give a man some erotic stuff to see and allow him to stimulate the top one inch of his penis and he will be quite satisfied. Ask a woman to play with herself while looking at the most handsome of men and she would rarely get excited. Women need to be held, massaged, touched all over and gently caressed to respond. That is why dancing, dinners, foreplay, hand holding, riding a motorcycle with her body squeezed against yours are very sexually exciting things for a woman. Women are also experts at not showing what they enjoy sexually.

Sometimes women can respond to visual stimuli, but she will not look for instant gratification by masturbating. This is because a woman needs to receive semen and sperm as a final outcome of any sexual act. This is not to say that women do not masturbate at all. Women masturbate, but more because of sensitivity, irritation or itching of the sexual organs. Even when a woman masturbates she will involve her whole body in the act and not just centre on her vagina and clitoris. Unlike men women can carry their sexual excitement for long periods of time, waiting to find the right mate. When a woman is sexually excited, you can make it out by what she wears and the way she behaves. She will flaunt her body more; she will wear bright colors especially red to attract the attention of a potential mate. She will go to places where there is possibility of finding the right man. But she will remain passively active, waiting for men to make the move so she can choose the one she wants to allow to please her.

When you are a young boy you may respond to all women type stimuli, but as a man matures he responds more and more to visual stimulus. That is why, we want to go to dance bars, see women in bikinis, lingerie or in the nude. A woman can excite you simply by showing cleavage, by wearing a short skirt or hot pants, or simply wearing something which flaunts her body. That is why women do makeup but men don’t. To be a little politically in-correct, most women are advertising their wares as part of the scheme of things, and men are standing in queue for their turn. However, unlike advertising for products, in this case a woman will decide who is going to get her stuff. So she is continuously sending the sexual message out there by what she wears, the way she talks, looks, walks and behaves. Men are constantly window shopping, but in this case it is not a wad of money that will get him the goods, the woman will take her time and pick the man she thinks is right for her. Most men think that they have seduced a woman, when they get into bed with her, whereas the fact invariably is that they have been seduced into thinking that they have successfully won the game.

So the bottom line is that if you like to watch pornographic material it is only because you are programmed to do so. It is not your fault, or anything to be ashamed about. This however, does not make masturbating to porn, all right. Masturbation can have very damaging consequences. See my post “My experience with sexual self-abuse” and “How to stop a masturbation addiction” in this blog for more.

Combating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – CFS with Ayurveda (2)

I am continuing this from the post I published on 31-03-2013 as “Combating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – CFS with Ayurveda part (1)”. I am giving below more home and Ayurveda remedies that I have used or I am using with the benefits I have received from. In some cases however I could be using them for long term benefits or combating a condition like difficulty in urinating or suspected prostate enlargement, or as a preventive.

METHI (FENUGREEK) SEEDS: I am using fenugreek, because I have a family history of osteoporosis. Although men usually do not suffer from the condition, I am using it to supply my body with building material for bones as a replacement of calcium. It is best taken after soaking overnight, on an empty stomach. I am however, consuming as a powder, for convenience sake.

CLOVES: Cloves have a warming effect on the body. They increase digestive power, and keep you warm in winters. One or two cloves soaked for about 36 hours in a glass of water make an excellent mouth freshener, rinse your mouth with this water or drink it. Crush a couple of cloves in a mixer and make tea from it. Clove oil, available in the market is great for toothache.

SAUNF: It is an excellent mild laxative. Take two table spoons full of Saunf add three or four cups of water, reduce to one cup, drink it at night to relieve you of constipation. It can be chewed after meals as a mouth freshener. There are two types of saunf available the small size one is more pungent. However both work the same.

SHILAJIT: Shilajit is generally considered to enhance sexual power for males, and is usually consumed for that reason alone. Healthy men also consume to last longer and get firmer erections. However Shilajit has a much wider application. It can be used after any long term disease to regain strength. It has a warm effect on the body. It is an excellent tonic.

PUNARNAVA: I am using Punarnava to improve urinary flow which has diminished as a result of an enlarged prostate.

GOKSHURA: I am using this to improve vitality and help reduce the size of my prostate.

VASAKA: I have a chronic bronchial problem. I throw up small amounts of phlegm, especially in the morning. Vasaka helps the respiratory system.

HARITIKI: This is a mild laxative. Capsules of Haritiki can be taken 1 or 2 times a day to promote better bowl movement.

BRAHMI: Is an excellent brain tonic. I am taking it to help me combat, psychological issues arising out of my long drawn tryst with health issues, and consequently career.  

KARELA (BITTER GOURD): Can be dried and made into a powder Take one to two grams, it promotes carbohydrate metabolism, thereby increasing energy levels. Fresh Karela can be consumed in the form of juice. Mix it with tomatoes, carrots and beetroot or any other combination you like. I use one Karela of about 4 inches length in 300 ml juice, considering that Karela is very bitter, you could use less.

Combating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – CFS with Ayurveda (2)

I am continuing this from the post I published on 31-03-2013 as “Combating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – CFS with Ayurveda part (1)”. I am giving below more home and Ayurveda remedies that I have used or I am using with the benefits I have received from. In some cases however I could be using them for long term benefits or combating a condition like difficulty in urinating or suspected prostate enlargement, or as a preventive.

METHI (FENUGREEK) SEEDS: I am using fenugreek, because I have a family history of osteoporosis. Although men usually do not suffer from the condition, I am using it to supply my body with building material for bones as a replacement of calcium. It is best taken after soaking overnight, on an empty stomach. I am however, consuming as a powder, for convenience sake.

CLOVES: Cloves have a warming effect on the body. They increase digestive power, and keep you warm in winters. One or two cloves soaked for about 36 hours in a glass of water make an excellent mouth freshener, rinse your mouth with this water or drink it. Crush a couple of cloves in a mixer and make tea from it. Clove oil, available in the market is great for toothache.

SAUNF: It is an excellent mild laxative. Take two table spoons full of Saunf add three or four cups of water, reduce to one cup, drink it at night to relieve you of constipation. It can be chewed after meals as a mouth freshener. There are two types of saunf available the small size one is more pungent. However both work the same.

SHILAJIT: Shilajit is generally considered to enhance sexual power for males, and is usually consumed for that reason alone. Healthy men also consume to last longer and get firmer erections. However Shilajit has a much wider application. It can be used after any long term disease to regain strength. It has a warm effect on the body. It is an excellent tonic.

PUNARNAVA: I am using Punarnava to improve urinary flow which has diminished as a result of an enlarged prostate.

GOKSHURA: I am using this to improve vitality and help reduce the size of my prostate.

VASAKA: I have a chronic bronchial problem. I throw up small amounts of phlegm, especially in the morning. Vasaka helps the respiratory system.

HARITIKI: This is a mild laxative. Capsules of Haritiki can be taken 1 or 2 times a day to promote better bowl movement.

BRAHMI: Is an excellent brain tonic. I am taking it to help me combat, psychological issues arising out of my long drawn tryst with health issues, and consequently career.  

KARELA (BITTER GOURD): Can be dried and made into a powder Take one to two grams, it promotes carbohydrate metabolism, thereby increasing energy levels. Fresh Karela can be consumed in the form of juice. Mix it with tomatoes, carrots and beetroot or any other combination you like. I use one Karela of about 4 inches length in 300 ml juice, considering that Karela is very bitter, you could use less.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Penis enlargement – Women's View Point?

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To have a long, fat and firm penis is a fantasy for most men. However, the fact is that there are as many shapes and sizes of the organ as there are men. I feel that the obsession comes from watching porn stars show off their large assets. However, a penis is not a car and bigger is not always better. When it comes to women the personality of the man and that of the penis matter a lot more than the size of the organ. In other words what matters is, what the man can do in bed with the penis and otherwise which matters to a woman much more than size. Men get sexual satisfaction when they have an orgasm, and the top one inch of the penis is the most important part of a man’s entire sexuality. However, a woman is a sex organ from head to toe. Every part of a woman needs stimulation during love making. The biggest mistake men make when they get a chance is to reach between the legs as fast as they can. I guess we men do this because that is what we want the woman to do to us and women will usually not reach for the penis, till they have spent a lot of time getting pleasure in every other possible way and there is nothing else to do but let the man penetrate and finish it off. A man given the chance will have sex in 10 minutes flat, which is quiet unlikely for a woman. If a woman is doing this it is not for sexual reasons but due to other considerations.

So, my advice to every man is to forget about the size and worry more about the personality. However, having a nice and firm erection is an asset and a bit of size enhancement is possible with massage of the penis, exercises like Sexual Qigong, “Pranayam” and giving up porn and masturbation addiction. Massaging the penis is simple, all you need to do is masturbate but hold back just before you ejaculate, use a lot of oil for the massage. Also try to give up ejaculation outside the vagina, like in oral sex or sex between the breasts.

You should also try to develop the muscles which help you control ejaculation. These, are about the same muscles which help you stop urinating mid-stream. To strengthen these muscles try stopping and starting urine flow a few times every time to go. Also do the same contractions even when not urinating. Try doing it 5 or 10 times daily. Once this set of muscles become strong you will be able to last longer during intercourse. Some people can have a full orgasm without ejaculating.

All of the above will result in better control and a healthier and fuller erection. When you have a fuller erection, you actually gain about half to 3 quarters of an inch in length.

Broadly there are three penis types, long and thin (A), thick and short (B) and thick and long(C). Also there are three types of vaginas, very narrow (1), very open (2) and deep (3). The following combinations can be formed, A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3. Kama Sutra has described in great detail the nine combinations that can be formed and which combinations are the best. However, when there is a mismatched pair like A2 or B3, sexual pleasure can be a bit of a problem. However, if you understand the woman’s needs and are creative with your technique every combination works. It is less of an issue for the man. But for women usually the right penis type is more important. Most men would want to have a thick and long penis. But that is a male fantasy. This penis type will usually hurt a woman than give her pleasure, if the man is not careful and sensitive. So don’t be obsessed by penis size but try to become a more creative lover and try new positions. Be happy with what you have and try using it better.

 Penis Enlargement Naturally

Sunday, 7 April 2013

How to give up smoking with homeopathy and pranayama

I started smoking when I was in high school. As it usually happens, at 15 years boys are desperate to become men. So they try building their bodies to look larger and try other things like alcohol and smoking. They masturbate because the girls are not willing and hormones have started raging. So, I kind of did all this. Coming back to smoking I guess I felt more like a man smoking. But soon like all addictions smoking took over my life. I started smoking 20 cigarettes a day. I did this for the next 25 years and paid the price with a chronic chest ailment. I quit 9 years ago but still have to live with a weakened respiratory system.
Anyway, this is how I quit smoking. Against all suggestions telling me to cut it down and eventually stop, I decided one day in April of 2004 that I am going to give it up. I did not throw the pack of cigarettes away, but simply stopped smoking, in fact I still have that pack of cigarettes with 16 cigarettes in it. It was difficult for about a month, first because of the body wanting the nicotine “fix”, which was quiet difficult to overcome. Then there is the social issue to deal with, the informal chats one has with fellow smokers, which often leads to more business or career opportunities. Then there are friends one has grown up with, and have smoked together, for many a years. They will often want you to not leave the “club”.
To get over the nicotine “fix” issue, one I tried to avoid situations which triggered a craving or where I would usually smoke. I would often go for an evening walk and smoke, so I cut down on walking and started going to the sports club where smoking was not allowed. I altered my social situation. I tried to associate and mix with friends who did not smoke. However, for the first 4 days I did not go out of the house at all. Smoking at home was not possible because my mother is allergic to tobacco smoke.
I had been studying homeopathy for a while and found some remedies which could help lessen nicotine craving. I do not remember all, but one of them was Nux Vomica (potency 30c) which helped lessen the craving for me. Also, tabacum, helped deal with the backache, very common in smokers as well as diminished eyesight. Long term use of Tabacum can also help in muscular weakness caused by tobacco use. Tobacco does not only have an effect on the repertory system, it also affects your sex drive and may lead to Impotence, and it affects the muscular systems, weakening it, has an effect on the eyesight and affects the appetite. It does give you temporary relief from stress, but there is a long term price to be paid.
I also found that Yoga, especially “Pranayam”or breathing exercises, help relieve the craving. Cigrette smoke affects the body in two ways. One it gives you a nicotine “fix” and two it opens up the respiratory pathways and you absorb more Oxygen. So doing “Pranayam” helps by opening up the respiratory pathways naturally. One may think that any other type of aerobic exercise should have the same effect, but it does not. “Pranayam” not only opens up the respiratory pathways but also triggers the release of natural nicotine like hormones in the body.
In about a month from the point I gave up smoking, I stopped having the craving. However, I kept falling back into the trap of addiction repeatedly. It took me several years of conscious effort, and many lifestyle and social changes to completely give it up.
I recently started smoking again, I really do not know why. Nothing much has changed in my life to trigger this. I am smoking about half a cigarette every morning, before I start Yoga, which I do for 2 years. It has been 7 days since I started again. Addiction to smoking usually starts in this manner. Initially you feel that I am just doing it to relax a little, but soon the body is trapped by the craving for Nicotine. I am hoping that I will stop. So I guess even after stopping for over 9 years, an addict is at the risk of falling back into the trap. The good news is that I am really not getting any kick out of it at all, and think every morning whether I should or should not smoke this cigarette.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Curing an enlarged prostate with Homeopathy, Yoga, Ayurveda, prostate milking and massage.

I am suffering from an enlarged prostate. This causes frequent urination and a diminished urine flow, and inability to fully empty the bladder. The same symptoms may occur if you have a swelling of the urethra, which is as inconvenient but less dangerous. Men with an enlarged prostate often end up with cancer of the prostate. Most men over 40 are at risk of Prostate cancer. There are no medicines available in modern science to control or reduce the size of the prostate. Also modern science cannot detect the cancer in its early benign state. Tests can determine a prostate problem only when it is 70% to 80% developed. However the signs of your moving towards a prostate are the initial increase in size. One does not really need any tests or examinations to determine an issue with the prostate. A diminished urine flow is enough for you to start some sort of treatment to arrest or reverse the problem. This however, cannot be done with allopathic treatment.

I found a few years ago that I was having a sort of constriction and my urine flow was not as it used to be. So I turned to homeopathy and tried to look for a solution. I initially found that Conium (Potency 30c) suited me. Homeopathic remedies are specific to the person and the situation or symptoms at any given point in time. My symptoms were: I was dribbling prostatic fluid with bowl movement. I was completely abstaining from any kind of sexual activity. I was dealing with a kind of sexual frustration. I did not feel like doing work of any kind. Conium helped and my loss of prostatic fluid stopped. However, the situation did not completely resolve and the symptoms had changed. I studied many remedies and finally came down to Copaiva (potency 30c) on just one main indication, my urine stream splits in two. However, both these remedies will not necessarily work for everyone. If you want to try it, you may want to visit a qualified Homeopath.

Sexual Qigong
I am also doing Sexual (Iron Crotch) Qigong (also called Chi Kung or Chi gung). If you want a video on how to do Sexual Qigong, I will send it on request. There are many benefits and Sexual Qigong works at the hormone level. However, in this case the increased blood flow to the prostate combined with the pulling in of the perineum at the end of the exercise, helps reduce prostate size.

Pranayam especially Kapal bhati and Bhastrika are great for prostate health. I am not repeating how to do these here. The principle behind all Yogic Breathing exercises is to generally increase Oxygen or “Prana” levels in the blood and increase blood flow. This is believed to cure just about any disease. I practice Pranayam for about 2 hours daily.

Prostate massage and milking
The prostate can be reached through the anal opening. You can ask your doctor to do it, however it can be done yourself. I am doing it myself. Be careful not to hurt or infect yourself. When you penetrate the anus, you are accessing a very delicate area. The anus is not designed to be penetrated. Anyway, before I massage the Prostate, I clean my hands thoroughly and lubricate the anus with Almond oil. You can use any edible oil except mustard, do not use cosmetic lubricants. To massage the prostate, I insert my middle finger. Once inside you will find a raised area if you bend the finger forward, this is the prostate. I rub it gently for as long as I can, which is usually not longer than 1 to 2 minutes. I have read a lot about prostate milking. Which I believe, is kind of ejaculating without the need to masturbating. It seems to help prostate health. However, I have tried doing it but without success. Also, I do not like the idea of wasting semen.  

Ayurveda has some very effective medicines for most health issues. However, these take a long time to take effect. For prostate I am using Punarnava and Gokshoura. Punarnava, helps improve urination and gokshoura is a general tonic. Both these medicines have a broad spectrum of use, like most Ayurvedic remedies.

In addition to the above I regularly press the Prostate acupressure point. It is located at the back of the heel as you go up the leg about one inch from the heel. There is another point on the wrist, this on the side of the wrist where your thumb is, a little below where your wrist meets the hand.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Pre-pubic masturbation and child health

I was addicted to masturbation, which I started when I was 7 or 8 years and did not even ejaculate, as I hadn’t hit puberty. I have paid a price for it and would not want anyone to go through what I have gone through in my life. Most children play with their genitals from a very young age, I guess it is a natural instinct and may be giving them some pleasure. And quite a few end up masturbating even before they hit puberty. When it is excessive, like in my case it can damage your health irreversible and you may have to live with its consequences through your adult life. Your career, health and life in general will suffer.

To know that a child is masturbating is not difficult. Spending too much time in the bathroom or toilet, wanting to keep their rooms bolted or finding lonely spots to hide are some common signs. Bed wetting may be a consequence of pre-pubic masturbation. In Homeopathy this is discussed at great length. Bufo Rana is a good Homeopathic remedy that is very often administered for combating bad effects of pre-pubic masturbation. Excessive pre-pubic masturbation can have deep rooted psychological effects and may even lead to suicidal tendencies and epilepsy. If you have the slightest inkling that your child is masturbating, you must try to stay around him as often as you can. Change the rules of the house. Like no one should keep his or her door closed. Remove the bolt from the bathroom door on the inside. Try to encourage the child to go out and play. But you need to keep a watch even in outdoor play. Children are smart, innovative, fearless and resourceful, sometimes with all the precautions they will find a way to masturbate. At that age they may masturbate in bed, have an orgasm, and not even spill anything.

It is often difficult for parents to believe that their 5 or 6 year old is sexually active. Even the child does not know what he is doing, he does it because it is play, and it is fun and gives him pleasure. You need to keep a watch over little girls also because often enough even girls try to rub their genitals. I do not know too much personally but Homeopathic texts talk about boys and girls alike. When women grow up they often turn to other women for sexual pleasure but before puberty girls often try rubbing themselves against men given the opportunity. Some are brave or intrigued enough to even grab the penis. So you need to watch out.

Some other signs to watch out for are, if your child is eating less or is anorexic. Eyes have become sunken and listless, and his general health is suffering for no medical reason. Try not to let your child be without supervision. Every child needs to be protected. You cannot talk to a 7 year old about the rights and wrongs of masturbation, but find ways to keep him from doing it. Sexual gratification is one of our base needs like eating or breathing, every will try it, but excessive masturbation needs to be controlled at any age.