Saturday, 30 March 2013

Women looking for men and men seeking women

Women are always looking for men who cannot just satisfy them physically but, emotionally as well. Women need much more than the six inches men usually want to offer. For a woman sex is not and cannot be a 20 minute fix, like it is for most men. Unlike men, for women sexual foreplay can begin just talking to a man with the right voice, attitude, and sense of humour. Women take their time selecting the right man and once he is found they will not let go easily, they will use every trick in the book to get him. This is quite unlike men; a man given the opportunity will pounce on just about any woman. He may think and often will, think that he seduced her, but in most cases the truth is quite the opposite. It is always the woman who lets him seduce her.

Often women go for a man who is already with another woman, because they are able to evaluate his behaviour and sexual skill and he has already been “shortlisted”. I do not think any woman knows that she is doing all this complicated rating, but all women have the same set of rules and they all compare notes, unlike men. All this may not happen consciously but a lot of it happens.

 Shocking Words Men Desperately Crave

One may call it the X factor that the man has. But behind all this is the primitive sexual instinct of a woman, which is designed to lead her to the right man for the purposes of procreation, and is common to all warm blooded mammals. Therefore, a man’s natural smell, his body shape, his face, attitude, social status, all play a big role in the process. Then there are the extensions of sexual power. These are usually the car, the house, the job, the boat, the personal jet and other material stuff which in a way are all extensions and outward displays of a man’s sexual power. This all shows to the woman that the man will not only help her procreate but will be good support for the children they have. Because this all happens instinctively, even if a woman knows that a relationship cannot go far the process of mate selection remains the same. Another way to look at it is that a lot more analysis and evaluation goes into selecting a mate by a woman, even if the relationship is only sexual and nothing more, and the woman knows it.

A man seeking a woman is more or less looking for one thing and one thing only, how can I get laid without responsibility and complications. He is looking to satisfy his craving or addiction, as he would for Alcohol, Cigarettes, food or whatever. But this is why most men are sexually starved, even if they are getting enough pussy. To draw a comparison with food they are eating just carbohydrates, which gives them energy but not health. Every time a man gets a quick fix, he just relieves his pent up sexual energy, but is never really satisfied. The other ingredients are missing. Like in food you need all the nutrients to be healthy, in a sex an orgasm, in 10 minutes may relieve the immediate craving but is not what the body and mind need. Men are psychologically hunters as they were in the past. What matters to most men is the number of trophies. You do not have a relationship with your kill.

However, if a man can learn to change this attitude, a real relationship will give him and his woman much more satisfaction. The first thing you need to do is stop masturbating to porn. It takes the body a lot of work to produce sperm and semen, so stop wasting precious body resources. What you ejaculate in 20 minutes flat takes your body to make in 3 to 6 days. Masturbation also has its psychological consequences. Very often you come across men who are very sensitive to the presence of women. Just the sight of her body or body parts will arouse them. The psychological and physical control is lost and you end up losing semen even without an orgasm. Women can usually sense this kind of weakness and will stay away. This will lead you to more of self-gratification and making the situation worse. So if you have to get your fix, the least you can do is, do it with a real woman or don’t do it at all. If you are addicted, abstain and it will pay dividends. You will definitely become more desirable and soon you will get the real thing. But this is not your goal.

Once you have found a mate, the next step is to try and develop a real relationship with her in bed and out. Don’t treat a woman like a piece of meat. Try to bond with her, listen to what she wants and be more sensitive. The worst you can treat a woman is to fuck her in 15 minutes, you’ve got your fix so you roll over and smoke a cigarette or worse yet simply go to sleep, leaving the poor woman to try to please herself, the best she can. If she is your wife or girlfriend, don’t be surprised if you find her in bed with another man who can satisfy her better. Worse still, you become the father of someone else’s child and you don’t even know it.

Women need emotional and physical gratification. A man’s sexual gratification comes from the top one inch of his penis, but a woman need to have sex with every inch of her body. So next time you are in bed with a woman try new things, innovate, and keep her ahead of your own “fix”.

I do have a lot more to say but more of it in another post………

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