Sunday, 31 March 2013

Combating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – CFS with Ayurveda (1)

I Have been living with Chronic Fatigue for the last over 20 years. I have been using a proper exercise regimen, Homeopathy, controlled diet, home remedies and Ayurveda to live with it. In this post I am going to discuss the role of Ayurveda, home remedies, and diet, in combating Chronic Fatigue. I experimented with homeopathy for a long time, gained from it and am still using it. However, recently I discovered that there is a huge treasure trove of supplements and remedies that Ayurveda has to offer. So I started my experiments with Ayurveda. Ayurveda, like Homeopathy deals with the person, not just the disease in isolation, which is quiet unlike Allopathic treatment. Good practitioners of Ayurveda will not just prescribe medicines but will also suggest a proper diet plan and lifestyle changes, especially in cases of chronic ailments. Ayurveda does not just depend on medicinal herbs for treatment, but also used a large number of spices, seeds and herbs used in everyday cooking, or let me say “Indian” cooking. Whether you are a CFS sufferer there are small but sometimes nagging problems that bother you, Ayurveda provides us with a solution to many:

SAUNTH (Dried ginger), KALI MIRCH (black pepper) and pIPLEE (Indian long pepper):  ground and mixed in equal part by volume, forms an excellent powder for improving digestion and fighting off chest infections. I suffer from chronic chest issues, which manifest in the form of continuous cough and phlegm. I started taking this mix in one gram doses two times a day after meals with warm water about 3 months ago. It has greatly reduced my phlegm and cough, and has improved my energy levels. I believe this happens because all three ingredients increase body heat which helps strengthen the lungs. This mix is also an excellent anti-flatulent.

ADRAK (FRESH GINGER TEA): Helps digestion. Good to strengthen lungs and fight chest infections. There are many ways to make it. You can either extract juice, put it in hot water, or like I do take about an inch long piece of ginger, crush it in a mixer, pour hot water, mix thoroughly, filter the mix. Drink the mix hot with or without sugar or honey.

NIMBOO (FRESH LIME JUICE): Great immune system booster. A rich source of natural vitamin C. Take at least 7 to 10 ml juice daily. The best health tonic you can have. It is best to take it without sugar. However if you don’t like the taste go ahead and add sugar or salt or both. Add any other spices you wish. It is a must during fever, flu, cough and cold, if you use lime juice regularly you will not fall prey to these little problems.

CHUKANDER (BEETROOT JUICE): Is an anti-depressant and anti-hypertensive. Taken in large quantities, in clinical tests, it makes a measurable difference to blood-pressure. It gives us a large number of nutrients not found in other food stuff. Taken regularly over long periods, it can keep you relaxed and reduce the need for anti-hypertension medication.  

HALDI (TURMERIC): Is an excellent painkiller. I have used it in toothache and body pain. It is also an anti-bacterial. It is very common in Indian kitchens. According to Vedic astrology, consumption Haldi (usually with milk), has an effect on GURU (planet Jupiter), which rules success and money issues of the subject. So if you are having financial troubles, or just want to make more money more easily, take a glass of milk with a1 to 5 grams of Haldi mixed in it daily. I don’t take it on a regular basis, but do consume it as a mild pain reliever and sometimes at random. I cannot say if it works on money issues or not.

AMLA (INDIAN GOOSEBERRY): Like lime amla is a rich source of vitamin C. It can be consumed as part of a vegetable juice, in a salad, in candy form or in the form of a “murraba”; and Indian style candy.  You can buy candy and “murabba” in the market, readymade.

TULSI (HOLY BASIL): Hindus consider this to be the most holy of all plants and worship it. There are two popular varieties, one is the regular Holy Basil and the other is “shyama” or dark Holy Basil. Usually the regular version is planted in houses and worshipped. The plant has powerful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and is believed to keep the air around it healthy and free of disease causing bacteria. The leaves of the plant can be chewed or tea made from them can be consumed in fever dry or wet cough, cold, sore throat and bacterial infections. It is a very fragile plant and needs a lot of care. I have tried to grow the plant 3 times, but have failed in each attempt. Dried and processed Tulsi (also called Tulsa) leaves are available in Ayurveda medical stores as a food supplement.

AJWAIN: is an excellent remedy for flatulence and for lose motions or diarrhoea. You may also chew it as a mouth freshener. As a medicine it can be taken in the form of tea or swallowed (3 to 6 grams) with or without black salt. To make tea take 4 to 8 grams of Ajwain in two or three cups of water boil till and reduce to one cup on slow fire. Sip this liquid with or without sugar. It is better not to use sugar. It can be used as a replacement for tea or coffee. However using too much of it can cause constipation, so watch out for this. If it happens simply stop using it and you will return to normal.

I will cover the following and more in my next post…….











Saturday, 30 March 2013

Women looking for men and men seeking women

Women are always looking for men who cannot just satisfy them physically but, emotionally as well. Women need much more than the six inches men usually want to offer. For a woman sex is not and cannot be a 20 minute fix, like it is for most men. Unlike men, for women sexual foreplay can begin just talking to a man with the right voice, attitude, and sense of humour. Women take their time selecting the right man and once he is found they will not let go easily, they will use every trick in the book to get him. This is quite unlike men; a man given the opportunity will pounce on just about any woman. He may think and often will, think that he seduced her, but in most cases the truth is quite the opposite. It is always the woman who lets him seduce her.

Often women go for a man who is already with another woman, because they are able to evaluate his behaviour and sexual skill and he has already been “shortlisted”. I do not think any woman knows that she is doing all this complicated rating, but all women have the same set of rules and they all compare notes, unlike men. All this may not happen consciously but a lot of it happens.

 Shocking Words Men Desperately Crave

One may call it the X factor that the man has. But behind all this is the primitive sexual instinct of a woman, which is designed to lead her to the right man for the purposes of procreation, and is common to all warm blooded mammals. Therefore, a man’s natural smell, his body shape, his face, attitude, social status, all play a big role in the process. Then there are the extensions of sexual power. These are usually the car, the house, the job, the boat, the personal jet and other material stuff which in a way are all extensions and outward displays of a man’s sexual power. This all shows to the woman that the man will not only help her procreate but will be good support for the children they have. Because this all happens instinctively, even if a woman knows that a relationship cannot go far the process of mate selection remains the same. Another way to look at it is that a lot more analysis and evaluation goes into selecting a mate by a woman, even if the relationship is only sexual and nothing more, and the woman knows it.

A man seeking a woman is more or less looking for one thing and one thing only, how can I get laid without responsibility and complications. He is looking to satisfy his craving or addiction, as he would for Alcohol, Cigarettes, food or whatever. But this is why most men are sexually starved, even if they are getting enough pussy. To draw a comparison with food they are eating just carbohydrates, which gives them energy but not health. Every time a man gets a quick fix, he just relieves his pent up sexual energy, but is never really satisfied. The other ingredients are missing. Like in food you need all the nutrients to be healthy, in a sex an orgasm, in 10 minutes may relieve the immediate craving but is not what the body and mind need. Men are psychologically hunters as they were in the past. What matters to most men is the number of trophies. You do not have a relationship with your kill.

However, if a man can learn to change this attitude, a real relationship will give him and his woman much more satisfaction. The first thing you need to do is stop masturbating to porn. It takes the body a lot of work to produce sperm and semen, so stop wasting precious body resources. What you ejaculate in 20 minutes flat takes your body to make in 3 to 6 days. Masturbation also has its psychological consequences. Very often you come across men who are very sensitive to the presence of women. Just the sight of her body or body parts will arouse them. The psychological and physical control is lost and you end up losing semen even without an orgasm. Women can usually sense this kind of weakness and will stay away. This will lead you to more of self-gratification and making the situation worse. So if you have to get your fix, the least you can do is, do it with a real woman or don’t do it at all. If you are addicted, abstain and it will pay dividends. You will definitely become more desirable and soon you will get the real thing. But this is not your goal.

Once you have found a mate, the next step is to try and develop a real relationship with her in bed and out. Don’t treat a woman like a piece of meat. Try to bond with her, listen to what she wants and be more sensitive. The worst you can treat a woman is to fuck her in 15 minutes, you’ve got your fix so you roll over and smoke a cigarette or worse yet simply go to sleep, leaving the poor woman to try to please herself, the best she can. If she is your wife or girlfriend, don’t be surprised if you find her in bed with another man who can satisfy her better. Worse still, you become the father of someone else’s child and you don’t even know it.

Women need emotional and physical gratification. A man’s sexual gratification comes from the top one inch of his penis, but a woman need to have sex with every inch of her body. So next time you are in bed with a woman try new things, innovate, and keep her ahead of your own “fix”.

I do have a lot more to say but more of it in another post………

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – CFS and homeopathy part 2

Homeopathy can be a big help in living with chronic fatigue. There are usually many secondary symptoms of chronic fatigue. What I have experienced at different points of time in the last 20 years, are the following:


Heart palpitations


Fear - indefinable

Low-grade fever



Hot scalp

Heat from the eyes

Sore throat

Visual blurring

Dim vision



Dry eyes

Dry mouth

Bad taste

Extreme hunger


Tough phlegm


Back pain

Pain in the heel

Body pain

Weak legs

Lack of will power

Over estimation of one’s physical ability

For most of these problems there is no real solution in Allopathic treatment. One may be able to take pain killers for toothache and headache and some temporary medication for a few other issues. However, such medication, in the long run will only add to your problems, because of side-affects. Homeopathic treatment however, provides a good alternative. I have used it and can say with confidence, that I am alive today because of it.

Unlike Allopathic treatment which treats the disease, Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. What this means is that when selecting a medicine (called remedy) in Homeopathy we need to take into consideration the personality of the patient, mental symptoms, total symptoms other than the main issue at hand and a lot more. So if I am looking for a remedy for headache, I may need to consider, what time of the day I usually have it, the exact location, the type of pain, whether it is more under any specific conditions.

Initially the most striking problem I used to face was anorexia. This made me feel that my tiredness was because of lack of proper food intake. I used Nux Vomica 30c, Ferrum metallicum 30c, calcarea carbonica 30c, and a few other remedies. It took me nearly 10 years to get rid of anorexia. I was also a smoker. During this period I also gave up smoking. I also completely gave up consuming alcohol in any form. For heart palpitations and nervousness I used Passiflora mother tincture. Other remedies I used during this period were over one hundred. Most of them are listed here:

All were used in 30c potency unless mentioned otherwise. Aconite 30c and 200c, Actea Racemosa (Cimicifuga), Anacardium, Argentum Metallicum, Arnica Montana, Arsnicum Album 30c and 200c, Asarum, Aurum Metallicum, Avena Sative Θ (mother tincture), Baryta Carb., Belladonna, Bismuth, Bryonia, Buforana, Cactus, Calcarea Carb., Calcarea Phos., Capsicum, Carbo Animalis, Carbo Veg., Carduus Marianus,  Carduus Marianus Θ (mother tincture), Causticum, Ceonathus Americanus Θ (mother tincture),  Ceonathus Americanus, Chamomilla, Chelidonium Majus, China Officinalis, Coffea Cruda, Conium Maculatum, Copiva, Digitalis, Drosera 30c and 200c, Dulcamara, Euphrasia, Ferrum Metallicum, Ferrum Phos, Fluric Acid, Gelsemium, Hepar Sulphuris, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Iris Versicolor, Kali Carbonicum, Kali Iodatum, Kali Phosphoricum 3x, Ledum, Lycopodium, Mezereum, Myrica Cerifera, Natrum Mur. 3x and 30c, Natrum Phos. 3x, Natrum Sulph. 3x, Nux Moschata, Nux Vomica, Passiflora Θ (mother tincture), Phosphoric Acid 30c and 200c, Phosphorus, Physostigma, Picric Acid, Plantigo Major, Plantigo Major Θ (mother tincture), Platinum, Plumbum Metallicum, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Rumex, Sabadilla, Secale Cornutum, Selenium, Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Stannum, Staphisagria, Stramonium, Tabacum, Thuja Occidentalis, Thyroidinum 3x and 30c, Tuberculinum 1000c (1m), Veratrum Viride Θ (mother tincture), Zincum Metallicum.

I am giving below relief I got from each of these remedies, to the best of my recollection.

Aconite 30c and 200c – Running nose, fear, hay fever, anxiety

Actea Racemosa (Cimicifuga) –

Anacardium – Indigestion, constipation, excessive hunger

Argentum Metallicum – Increased heart rate, anxiety

Arnica Montana – Dyspepsia, constipation

Arsnicum Album 30c and 200c –

Asarum – Nervousness, over sensitivity to outside impressions (noise etc.)

Aurum Metallicum – Suicidal tendencies, want to end life there seems no future

Avena Sative Θ (mother tincture) – Nerve tonic

Baryta Carb. –

Belladonna –  

Bismuth –  

Bryonia –  

Buforana – Over-come bad effects of pre-pubic masturbation

Cactus – Hypertension

Calcarea Carb. – Heart palpitations

Calcarea Phos. –

Capsicum –

Carbo Animalis –

Carbo Veg. – Flatulence, debility

Carduus Marianus – Liver function, SGOT SGPT levels high

Carduus Marianus Θ (mother tincture) – Liver function, SGOT SGPT levels high

Causticum – Joint pains, indigestion, constipation

Ceonathus Americanus Θ (mother tincture) – Palpitations due to enlarged spleen

Ceonathus Americanus –

Chamomilla –

Chelidonium Majus – Liver function

China Officinalis – Bad effects of over indulgence in sex, onanism and masturbation, backache

Coffea Cruda –

Conium Maculatum – Bad effects of unsatisfied sexual craving

Copiva – Enlarged prostate, Difficulty in urinating, split stream when urinating

Digitalis – Strengthening the heart function

Drosera 30c and 200c – Bad taste, disgust for food due to phlegm

Dulcamara –

Euphrasia – Improvement of vision

Euphrasia Θ (mother tincture) – watering eyes

Ferrum Metallicum – Anaemia, backache

Ferrum Phos – Anaemia

Fluric Acid – Dryness of skin, dryness of mouth

Gelsemium – Dull vision

Hepar Sulphuris – dramatic effect on tooth absess, Morning constipation

Ignatia – Aversion to meeting people or going out even for a walk

Ipecacuanha – Vomiting

Iris Versicolor –

Kali Carbonicum –

Kali Iodatum –

Kali Phosphoricum 3x – Nervousness and jumpiness due to sudden sounds, undefined fear

Ledum –

Lycopodium – Indigestion, flatulence, want to pick a fight for no reason

Mezereum – Swelling of the gums

Myrica Cerifera – Liver function

Natrum Mur. 3x and 30c – Debility, improve digestion

Natrum Phos. 3x –

Natrum Sulph. 3x – Relieve tough expectoration

Nux Moschata – Debility, flatulence, pain around the navel

Nux Vomica – Sluggish digestion due to lack of exercise

Passiflora Θ (mother tincture) – Support to give up alcohol

Phosphoric Acid 30c and 200c – Bad effects of long term self abuse

Phosphorus –

Physostigma – Improvement of vision

Picric Acid – Debility with backache

Plantigo Major – Toothache

Plantigo Major Θ (mother tincture) – Toothache

Platinum – Bad effects of onanism (ejaculating outside the vagina), feeling of grandeur

Plumbum Metallicum –

Psorinum –

Pulsatilla – Over sensitiveness, constipation

Rhus Tox – Joint pains especially in wet weather

Rumex –

Sabadilla –

Secale Cornutum – Over heated head with blurred vision

Selenium –

Sepia –

Silicea – To relieve tough expectoration

Spigelia –

Stannum – Suicidal tendencies with chest symptoms

Staphisagria – Bad effects of over indulgence in sexual activity

Stramonium –

Tabacum – Backache and blurred vision due to smoking

Thuja Occidentalis – Bad effects of childhood vaccination

Thyroidinum 3x and 30c – Hypothyroidism

Tuberculinum 1000c (1m) – Threatened tuberculosis, after effects of T.B, Loose stools

Veratrum Viride Θ (mother tincture) – Fast pulse, uneasiness of the heart

Zincum Metallicum – bad effects of suppressed disease or eruption like measles

*This is not a symptoms guide but my personal experience with homeopathic medication over the years.

A you can see above that the advantage of using Homeopathic treatment is that one does not need to know what the disease is, but simply analyse the symptoms at any given point of time and select a remedy according. If you are a person with common sense and a slight analytical mind you will be able to develop the skill to select the correct remedy.

I personally have not only treated myself but also my mother who has many issues including arthritis. At one point she had peptic ulcers which have been completely cured by the use of Bismuth 30c. At another time she was vomiting day and night and arsnicum 30c was used to treat her. For combating joint pains I gave her arnica, causticum, Rumex, and Rhus Tox, at different times depending on symptoms. Recently my maid who is expecting, could not eat for days and was throwing up anything she ate, Tabacum 30c is helping her.  She is 2 months into her pregnancy and has started coming to work once again.
Coming back to the subject of Chronic Fatigue, I have found some very peculate things that happen. My energy levels go up often when the sky is clear and there is no reason for it to rain, but in a few hours it rains. Usually my energy levels are up on Sundays and often other holidays. Also, I found that acupressure helps. If I press the Pancreas point, which is about one inch below the little figure for about 1 to 2 minutes in the morning, my energy levels remain higher. Massaging the navel, by placing all the fingers in the cavity and rotating 40 times clockwise and 40 times anticlockwise also helps. Massaging the penis with oil also helps. It is a massage not masturbation. Although the movements are the same it is important not to ejaculate. Loss of this vital fluid can be counter-productive.

There is a small forest like area near my house. Whenever, I can I go for a 1 to 2 hour walk in that forest and my energy levels remain higher through the day. Whenever I do not exercise my energy levels drop. So, I try to do 2 hours of yoga every day.  
yurveda believes in something called the “Dharan”. This is a pulse you will find at the centre of the navel, if you lie down flat on your back and place three fingers and press gently down. If you find this has shifted left, right, up, or down, you may face complex medical issues.  In my case it remains slightly to the left. There are some exercises that can bring the “Dharan” back to the centre. Whenever my “Dharan” is in the centre my energy levels are higher.

Two exercises for centring the “Dharan” are: One lie down on your back and lift both legs about 12 inches. Hold up with your breath held in for as long as you can. Repeat as long as the “Dharan does not return to the centre. Second, lie on your back hold your foot and try to touch your nose to the thumb of your foot. Repeat with the other foot. Now hold both feet and try to bring them as close to the nose as possible. Check the “Dharan” and repeat as long as needed.

Role of exercise in chronic fatigue: It is important to exercise in chronic fatigue, as it is in any other disease. However, it is important to find a balance. People suffering from CFS often overestimate their physical ability. Thus, they over exert themselves and then go under for days altogether. I have done so in the past, and still make the mistake sometimes.

CFS – a result of vaccination: There is a lot talked about in Homeopathic texts about the bad effects of vaccination on some individuals. Modern scientists may believe that vaccination is the best way to save people from disease. However, there are many long term problems that can develop in many subjects, and they may suffer for the rest of their lives. There is no scientific proof that ties vaccination with any medical condition in general, but there may be a possibility that conditions like Chronic Fatigue are the result of vaccination.
However the biggest issue faced by a patient of chronic fatigue is inability to work a proper job and have a career. Thus lack of income, combined with lack of understanding by people around you are the biggest challenges you will face. Even your doctor usually will not understand the problem let alone diagnose it properly or guide you.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – CFS Part 1

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS is a disease affecting millions around the world. Most cases of CFS are generally misdiagnosed, especially in countries like India. Most symptoms of CFS are also symptoms of Depression and Hypothyroid. However, there are some differences between the three, and it takes skill to diagnose CFS. One significant difference between depression and Chronic Fatigue is that a person suffering from depression usually feels better and more energetic if she starts to or is forced to go on a regular exercise routine. There are medicines which can treat Depression and Hypothyroid, but nothing for CFS. In Hypothyroid also simple hormone replacement therapy works well. In CFS this is not the case. Modern Medical science does not yet understand the cause of the disease, but whatever it may be, there is some physiological problem underlying the disease. I have been suffering from CFS for the past over 20 years. It was triggered after an acute attack of Tuberculosis of the lungs. I took full treatment and have recovered fully. However, there is something not definable by medical science which is still having a lingering affect. There is absolutely nothing that modern medical science can detect in any sort of examination or tests. However, my day to day functioning gets affected from time to time.

Usually my energy levels are the big concern. Such that I have an energy-dip from 9am to 3pm every day. At other times of the day or night my levels of energy are absolutely normal. I exercise two hours in the morning and function quiet normally for the rest of the day. In addition to the daily dip I sometimes get into a situation, such that simple things like shaving, taking a bath or just going out for a walk become extremely difficulty. It has taken me nearly 20 years to figure this pattern out. So my advice to anyone suffering from CFS or even suspect misdiagnosed depression is that you try to figure out your own energy pattern. Also, do not except people around you, friends and family especially, to understand what you are going through. Most of them will give you all sort of advice and will have no regard for your explanations or point of view, especially because very often even you will not be sure what is going on. It sure is difficult for anyone to understand that suddenly and for no reason you do not have the energy to do the most simple of things. If you have CSF you are alone and will have to fight it out on your own and probably for the rest of your life. However, like me, if you are able to figure it out, you will be psychologically better off, because you know what you are fighting, and also that you are not alone.
Your troubles however, do not end just by figuring out the problem. The big challenge is to design your professional and personal life around it.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Women don’t want to F**K, they want to make love

For a man f**king someone or making love is nearly the same thing. When I say “F**K” I mean being rough, quick and unconcerned with the other person’s feelings. A man can make love or fuck a complete stranger in half an hour and be on his way home to his wife. However, for a woman the act of love making is much more intimate and complex. So if you care for a woman please, be sensitive to her feelings and body. Never rush things and don’t go for the clitoris straight away. Take your time in foreplay and be considerate to her responses. I am not saying do not be strong, woman love a tough man, but don’t be clumsy and hurried. Most of us men want to take of our clothes get on top of a woman get inside come to orgasm get-of and smoke a cigarette. This is good sex for a lot of men. Being totally inconsiderate and selfish about the act, and it needs to work for both equally. For us there is not much difference between using a doll, a hand or a woman as long as we can climax. For women the penis is not a tool but a shared resource. The character of the penis matter to women more than anything else. Therefore, most women will not use plastic dummies or other toys. Women need the real thing preferably one that has character and style to her liking. It is not so much the size that matters to a woman but what the man does with it that is the key to her satisfaction. So next time you make love share the penis with your partner as a mutual resource. Encourage her to speak her mind and be aware of her responses. If you can learn to be sensitive to a woman’s feelings in bed she will never leave you. She may even overlook your oddities out of bed. So try it…..

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Tantric sex

Tantric sex is at best a modern time distortion of ancient beliefs and practices. However, if you are looking for pure sexual pleasure or build sexual stamina and bring back more pleasure and fun into your love life, read on…. Let me warn you that this has nothing to do with spirituality or ancient wisdom but techniques that will make love making more pleasurable and at best help a man improve health and a woman enjoy sex a lot more and have better and fuller orgasms.

To start with you can try making love the normal way, using whichever position you like best. Please for the woman’s sake please go thru proper foreplay. Once the woman is ready enter her preferable in the missionary position. Start the normal love making but keep the perineum pulled upward, this is the muscle you would usually work to stop urine flow midstream. The idea is to reach a fuller and better erection and be able to last longer. Also when practicing this technique, make sure the man should not have an orgasm. If you are about to have an orgasm stop moving and pull the perineum and stomach inwards, to stop any escape of sperm and semen. With practice you (the man) will be able to have a partial or sometimes even a full orgasm without releasing any sperm and semen.

It takes the body a lot of work to produce semen and sperm and they are the building blocks of life. By not releasing it you will benefit health wise. Many diseases can be cured, especially psychological problems like anger stress and more simply by conserving sperm and semen whether during love making or simply masturbating and stopping short of an orgasm. During lovemaking however, you will need the woman’s full cooperation, so you do not ejaculate. In case you find it difficult to stop ejaculation while inside you may withdraw completely, once the urge subsides penetrate and start again. With practice I can now last for hours without ejaculating. I personally release sperm and semen only once a year. Try it and see the strength and willpower you will have in a few months. If you keep at it for a few years you will become a younger and much healthier person. It is great for the woman, as she will be able to have multiple orgasms every time you make love. Get your free video on Tantric Sex here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Yoni Massage (Vagina Massage)

Yoni Massage can be performed in various ways. I am trying to give you the key points to keep in view when performing a Yoni massage or when someone is giving you a Yoni massage. Yoni massage is not masturbation or just a sexual act. It has far deeper impact on sexual and spiritual health. Yoni or vagina massage is a very useful tool for women who are not being satisfied sexually by their partner. Many women do not experience a full body orgasm ever. Sexual intercourse for a woman is a more emotional than a pure sexual act, like it is for most men. The objective of a regular Yoni massage practice is to improve health, prepare a woman for a full body orgasm and let her enjoy sexual intercourse. However, this is not to say that a woman should have an orgasm during the massage itself. The massage is to help her experience full body sexual activity. It also helps her partner to connect with her emotionally as well as physically. However, the man giving the massage should never be allowed to penetrate, or it defeats the whole purpose of the exercise. A woman may often have an orgasm during a Yoni massage session and this should not be held back, which is unlike in the case for men in a lingam massage.

The first thing to keep in mind is not to use Yoni massage as foreplay or a tool for arousal, it is more sacred than that. Always try to have at least a two to three hour session.  Whenever you reach the point of having an orgasm, ask your partner to stop and pull the vaginal muscles upward. The woman however aroused she may be should never indulge in sexual intercourse during the session. Try to enjoy the experience and stay as relaxed as possible. Breathe deep and regularly work your vaginal muscles. Read more >>>>>>>

Improve sexual health with Lingam (penis) and Yoni (vagina) massage

The word Lingam stands for the penis and Yoni for the vagina. In Hindu scriptures the Yoni (Vagina) is considered sacred and is worshipped. Usually the Yoni of a virgin girl is washed with 5 liquids representing the five elements, which make up the universe. This liquid is then collected and consumed as a kind of holy water. The Lingam of lord Shiva is worshipped by men for power and by women for better married life and by single women for getting a good husband. However here I am going to talk about the medical, psychological and emotional benefits of Lingam and Yoni massage.

Both Lingam and Yoni massage are performed usually by one’s sexual partner, or someone of the opposite sex. However having sexual and emotional bonding between the partners is an added advantage. So if you want to go to a shop to get a Yoni or Lingam massage – think again.

Lingam Massage (Penis massage)
This can be performed in various ways. However, I am trying to give you the key points to keep in view when performing a Lingam massage or when someone is giving you a Lingam massage. Lingam massage is not masturbation or just a sexual act. It has far deeper impact on sexual and spiritual health. The objective of a regular Lingam massage practice is to improve health, increase sperm count, cure erectile dysfunction, have more control over ejaculation during sex, get stronger and healthier erections, and a lot more….

The first thing to keep in mind is not to use Lingam massage as foreplay or a tool for arousal, it is more sacred than that. Always try to have at least a two hour session, but be sure not to have a full orgasm. Whenever you reach the point of having an orgasm ask your partner to stop and pull the perineum (the area between the penis and the anus) upward, this, with practice, will give you total control over ejaculation. Initially if you have an orgasm do not worry, but try not to ejaculate more than once a week for any meaningful benefit. If you lack control, start with once a week sessions or shorter (15 minute) sessions. The idea is to have an erection but to conserve semen and sperm. The body has to do a lot of work to produce sperm and semen, and these should not be wasted, but used as repair material for improving sexual and general health.

To start a Lingam massage, both partners should remove all clothing and jewelry. Have eye contact. You can do a dry massage or use some sort of lubricant. I prefer to use oils. I use extra virgin Olive oil, Coconut oil or Almond oil, in rotation. I advise against using oils with additives and cosmetic oils. Always use edible grade oil. The man should lie down and close his eyes, and feel everything that is happening to his body. The woman can now start the massage. Do not go for the penis straight away. In fact cover the penis with a piece of cloth preferably silk and start as far away as you feel proper. Ideally start with a foot massage and move upwards. Stay at least 15 minutes below the knee, softly massaging upwards. A simple rule in any type of massage is to move towards the heart. Next move above the knee, towards the penis, but do not touch it. Do not touch even the scrotum. The inner thigh of a man is very sensitive. Use a light touch in this area. Most men are unaware of the fact that a light sensuous massage in this area can bring them to orgasm, or at the very least give them the hardest possible erection. If you are not getting the man’s proper reaction, either you are going to soft or too hard. Use a feather, or a soft piece of cloth to tease the inner thigh. Work this area for 30 minutes, but stop whenever the man is about to come. With practice you will figure out a way of non-verbal communication, but initially the man can tell you when to stop. Do not just stay on the inner thigh but massage the outside, up to the sides of the buttocks. You may now turn the man over and massage the back of his legs. Pay special attention to the buttocks. You may touch the anus and the perineum but stay away from the scrotum. Stay on the lower back for about 25 minutes. Ask the man to turn over and start lightly massaging the lower and upper stomach lightly. Reach up to the chest and neck. Like in women the nipples of a man are also very sensitive. Pay extra attention here, squeeze them lightly and massage them in both directions. Stay on the stomach and chest for 30 minutes. You can now ask the man to turn over and massage his back for 20 minutes. Pay extra attention to the lower back. If the man is lean, firmly clutch the sides of his lower back during this massage. Also revisit the buttocks. Now you can move to the real thing. In traditional Hindu culture the woman would seek permission to start massaging the penis. Also during Yoni (vagina) massage the man should seek permission before touching the Yoni. 

Roll the man over with his legs spread and sit between them on your knees or cross legged. The kneeling position is better. Now massage from the anus towards the scrotum and from the top of the penis towards the scrotum. Be careful with the scrotum itself, because this is probably the most delicate part of the male anatomy. Also try to avoid touching the top one inch of the penis, at least in the beginning, if you are just starting massage sessions for the man. As the man gains more control you may start to massage the top one inch of the penis, with the skin pulled back. Make sure that the man does not ejaculate. Use a lot of oil in this area. Also lubricate the head of the penis once but do not manipulate it much. Continue this for as much as you and the man like, try to move to other areas of the body while massaging the Lingam . If the man ejaculates you should try not to indulge in inter-course, or Lingam massage for 5 to 7 days. A good way to decide when to restart is whenever the man starts to wake-up with an erection, if he was before the day of ejaculation. 

Good Sexual health comes from the right exercises and a diet oriented towards improving sexual health. I have written about many exercises for sexual health in this blog. However good quality information is difficult to find on a good diet for "Male Sexual Health". There is a lot of misinformation on the internet. Anyone looking to improve sexual health should use a well thought out plan. You can find more information on a good "Man Diet" for better sexual health here >>>

Yoni Massage
Yoni massage is quiet similar to the Lingam massage. More or less a similar procedure is followed, with an exception that the breasts are to be manipulated carefully and after the rest of the body and before the Yoni (vagina).  For now please refer to the process followed above in the Lingam massage, and I will write in detail in my next post……

Friday, 8 March 2013

Penis enlargement and premature ejaculation

I have been practicing Yoga pranayama and Sexual Qigong (chi kung or chi gung) for the past over 9 months. The result is that I am not only feeling stronger physically but emotionally and mentally healthier. I have been able to quit smoking and drinking. On the sexual level my erections have become stronger and penis length has become more by about 2/3 of an inch, even the penile girth has become more and the penis has become very straight. My urine flow has also become better, which had become weak due to the aging process and enlargement of the prostate gland. I can now last longer during sexual intercourse; in fact I can control ejaculation till such time I want it to happen. The strength comes from Qigong practice and the control from pranayama. I sometimes indulge in intercourse but do not ejaculate at all. The Vedic theory is that every drop of semen is equal to about 80 drops of blood. Further, the Vedic texts talk the practice of using your own semen (stored in the body) to improve health. Although these processes are slow they are more or less permanent. My suggestion to anyone reading this text is to try these exercises described in detail in my posts in this blog. If you have a question please write to me.

Find out more ways to completely control your Ejaculation and last as long as you like click here >>

Friday, 1 March 2013

My experience with sexual self-abuse

I understand that many children start to sexually abuse themselves when they are very young. Following this, as they grow older they develop many emotional, psychological and health problems. When I say “young” I mean even before reaching puberty. I myself started indulging in this vicious and suicidal practice at the age of 7. I think, I liked the sensation of playing with myself. I do not even remember at what age I first ejaculated. I kept at it through the years. When I was around 17 years I met my first girlfriend and had my first sexual interaction with a woman. For some reason, although I had the opportunity, I did not penetrate. With due respect to her, I simply used her as a tool for arousal, pleased her in every way possible, but avoided vaginal penetration. Why I did this I have no idea. She was and is an attractive woman and would not have stopped me. This I later found was a form of onanism (ejaculation outside the vagina). Onanism and masturbation in homeopathy are considered extremely harmful to emotional, psychological and physiological health. I carried on abusing myself in different ways for at least thirty years. This ruined my health to such an extent that at the age of 28 I was completely bed ridden. Till this age I was ejaculating virtually every other day. I was diagnosed with Tuberculosis and was treated for it. However, even after the treatment things did not normalise. Till the age of about 38 years I kept suffering from one un-diagnosable condition or another. I was anorexic and extremely under-weight. Through this period I met many women, but even then my self-abuse continued.

At the age of 38 I realized what I was doing to myself. The realization dawned upon me while studying homeopathy. I started studying Homeopathy at the age of 30 to treat myself. I found a lot of material in texts of Homeopathy materia medica, that talks about the harmful effects of masturbation and onanism. There are many medicines (remedies) in homeopathy that are prescribed for emotional, psychological and physiological issues arising out of sexual excesses.

I used the following homeopathic remedies at different times for different symptoms:

Acid Phos