Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Female Deer exercise – Sexual Qigong for women V2

Female Deer exercise is a simple but very beneficial exercise. It helps increase DHEA and Oxytocin levels, which in turn help improve fertility, regulate mood swings, and regulate levels of Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone in the body. Correct DHEA levels in the body will help you deal with stress and depression and will keep you more energetic and sexually more active. It will further help you achieve orgasm more easily and even increase fertility. Increase in Oxytocin levels help you relax and increase sexual desire. Breasts are important, if not the most important part of a woman’s sexual play. Stimulation of the breasts is more important for women during intercourse than even the stimulation of the clitoris and vaginal penetration and stimulation. Most women can have an orgasm simply by proper manipulation of the breasts. Thus we focus on the breasts in Female Deer whereas the Male Deer is performed with the massage of the penis and the lower abdomen.

How to perform the Female Deer exercise
The exercise should ideally be performed in the morning before eating anything. Find a well-ventilated private space; sit naked on the floor on a mat or the bed with a firm mattress. Place your left heel between the anus and the vaginal opening. If you find this difficult place the heel anywhere touching your body, preferably below the Clitoris as close to or behind the vagina. Even if this is difficult use a small ball like a tennis ball to press near the vagina with the heel of the left foot. Place the right foot above the left leg between the thigh and calf muscle with the heel touching the pubis. If you find this difficult simply place the right leg in front, on the floor or mat. If you get the position of both heels touching the body, try to push the heels back, to exert a slight pressure. The left heel presses the perineum or the vagina while the right heel presses the pubis above the clitoris.

Close your eyes and take deep breaths - at least 25 times or up to 5 minutes. Now, rub your hands to warm them. Place both hands on your breasts, left hand on the left breast and right on the right breast. Now gently massage in circular motion, going inside up and outside down. You may even do it the other way around, going inside down and outside up. However the best would be doing one day in one direction and the other day in the other direction. Further, depending on your breast size and sensitivity do it the way that feels most comfortable. Remember however, that you are skimming the skin and not holding the breast while doing the exercise. Breathe in going up and breathe out going down. Continue doing this 81 times without stopping. Do it slowly with eyes closed enjoying every stroke. Continue longer if you wish to. At the end you will feel relaxed and more energetic. Smaller breasts are usually more sensitive, so you may need a little more firmness if you are a larger size. You need to find the correct pressure so the massage is pleasurable.

Finally clench your hands around your thumb and place them in your lap. Pull the perineum muscle and hold as long as you comfortably can. Do this once. This is not the same as the Kegel (pelvic floor exercise) exercise. Here we are trying to isolate the muscle that would stop urine mid-stream, excluding the vaginal and anal muscles. You may try this while urinating to isolate the muscle(s). You will find more details in my post “How to isolate the Perineum muscles”.

You need to make the Female Deer a part of your life and do it regularly. Although the Female Deer Exercise is a solo exercise and you need to massage your breasts on your own, you may find it pleasurable and relaxing to let a willing partner, male or female, do the massage for you occasionally. This is not really a part of the Female Deer or Sexual Qigong practice. You need to look at it as a prolonged relaxing massage done as and when you can. For this breast massage use natural edible grade oil, and extend the sessions for long periods of time, the goal being to achieve orgasm or extreme relaxation almost to the level of intoxication thru massage of the breasts alone. The oils I use are Almond oil or Coconut oil. I have not yet tried Sesame seed Oil or Olive oil. I would advise against using mustard oil because it may give you an uncomfortable burning sensation.  The orgasm if reached should be thru massage of the breasts alone. The idea here is not to use the massage as foreplay, and to have enough control not to use clitoral or vaginal stimulation of any kind. The partner may massage the breasts in both directions and occasionally pinch the nipples if you find it comfortable. Be imaginative and try using different ways of stimulation and find what works best for you. It is important to let the partner know what feels good. Good communication is an important part of achieving the results. Your partner must understand that the massage is for your pleasure and benefit, not an opportunity to play with your breasts. Start the massage in a sitting position with the partner behind you. Once you are reasonably relaxed you can continue the massage lying down with the partner massaging you from the sides or above your head or sitting across your waist. A male partner will inevitable get aroused but make sure not to end up making love.

A combined video demo of the MALE and FEMALE Deer exercise is available at:

Kapalbhati Pranayam can treat libido and orgasm issues in women

Kapalbhati Pranayam is sometimes written as Kapal Bhati Pranayam and
Pranayam is often pronounced and written as Pranayama. 

Sex and orgasm for women is a much more complex issue compared to men. For most men sex is penis centric whereas for women it is a full body experience or at least it inevitably involves the breasts and genitalia. In men the shaft of the penis and the “glans penis” are combined whereas in women the vaginal opening and the “glans clitoridis”, are two separate organs. Women also need breast stimulation which results in release of oxytocin and induces arousal and relaxation. Thus in men once penetration takes place the glans which is the most sensitive part of the organ gets the desired stimulation whereas in women even after penetration the glans may remain un-stimulated, thereby making it difficult for a woman to climax. If the man has deposited sperm before the woman has an orgasm, the orgasm of the woman helps movement of sperm increasing chances of fertilization taking place. Women usually cannot climax without clitoral stimulation; simple vaginal penetration is not stimulation enough. Some sex positions provide the stimulation naturally whereas in others you need to make a conscious effort to help a woman achieve orgasm thru clitoral stimulation. Stimulation of the glans clitoridis is sufficient through the clitoral hood. Unlike men the glans in most women is too sensitive to be stimulated with direct contact. When performing “Orgasmic Meditation” the glans clitoridis is always stimulated thru the hood the top left being the most sensitive. The clitoris is the female equivalent of the penis without the external length of the organ. Women do have the erectile tissue which remains inside the body and surrounds the vaginal opening. The clitoris and the erectile tissue become erect or engorged with blood as sexual excitement builds up, just like the penis. In some women, with a large clitoris, it is more easily detectable than in others. The hood of the clitoris may not be easy to move to reveal the clitoris, unlike the foreskin in men. In addition to increased blood flow to the clitoris and pelvis during sexual activity, there is spontaneous increase of blood flow to the breasts as a result of which the nipples become erect. Let me add here that a large number of women can achieve orgasm simply with breast stimulation alone, so the breasts are a very important part of the overall act of sexual intercourse.

Libido issues in women can be a result of improper blood flow to the pelvic area, clitoral insensitivity and hormonal imbalance, especially low Oxytocin levels. Anemia is one major cause for lack of Libido in women. A low sex drive may also be the result of medication for other ailments like hypertension diabetes etc., and due to taking birth control pills which inevitably affect the hormonal balance. In addition it may be the result of psychological or physical stress. While some of the issues will resolve themselves without any action in other cases you may need to use techniques like Sexual Qigong also called Female Deer Exercise, Breast massage and Kapalbhati Pranayam. Lastly, it is important to highlight that some women have a low sex drive for no apparent reason. Many women enjoy sex but will not or are unable to initiate sex, and often feel inadequate or guilty. In a majority of women sexual excitement is triggered only after foreplay, especially involving breast and in other cases the excitement and need may come on even after penetration has taken place. However, once they get into the act, most women are able to enjoy sex and climax successfully. Many women may feel that they need to feel excited and initiate sex and that can be resolved, with regular practice of Sexual Qigong, breast massage and Kapalbhati Pranayama. You can read about Sexual Qigong in my post on “How to perform the Female Deer exercise”. Very often, if no major medical issues are involved, the problem of sexual excitement and climaxing can be resolved with better blood flow to the pelvic region and regular breast massage. Kapalbhati Pranayama is a yoga pranayama or breathing exercise which helps increase blood flow through the body, especially to the pelvic area. In addition to increasing blood flow kapalbhati also stimulates the abdominal and reproductive organs due to the movement of the lower and upper abdominal areas during the exercise. A healthy man will usually get an erection after about 5 or 10 minutes of Kapalbhati. Similarly a woman will get better blood flow to the pelvis including better flow to the clitoris and a ‘tingle’ in the groin. In addition to Kapalbhati, Orgasmic Meditation may be a good idea for women; I will discuss it in another post.

A word of caution here; before you start practicing Kapal Bhati please consult your doctor. Kapal Bhati can raise blood pressure and may not be right in some medical conditions like if you have hernia. It should not be practiced if you are pregnant. Also take care not to do it too rapidly or with too much force. Do not practice it when you are menstruating or if there is discomfort before or after the menstrual cycle is complete. As you start doing Kapalbhati Pranayam regularly, taking the precautions listed here you will find a decline in the Pre and Post Menstrual issues you may be facing. It may be a good idea to practice deep breathing for 5 to 10 minutes during times when you are not supposed to do Kapalbhati.

Kapalbhati is a fairly simple rapid breathing exercise. However, it has far reaching benefits which include hormonal changes if practiced regularly and for a substantial period of time. The immediate benefit is that it increases blood flow and oxygen supply throughout the body, starting with the pelvic area or the “Mooladhara Chakra”. Better blood flow to the “Mooladhara Chakra” will not only affect sexual desire and potential of orgasm but will also cure many other problems of the reproductive, urinary and digestive systems. In addition it can help manage diabetes, high cholesterol level, induce weight loss and promote general health. It is important to understand here that sexual health has a direct relation to overall health. Kapalbhati will also reduce your need to take excessive stimulants like alcohol, cigarettes, coffee etc.

Let us see how to perform this simple but valuable exercise. Do consult your doctor before you start practicing it. It should be done in the morning on an empty stomach or any time with a 5 hour gap after eating. Drink a glass or 2 of water when you wake up, freshen up and then start. You may do it sitting in a chair with your legs on the floor, on a bed, on the floor in any sitting posture. The best however is if you sit on the floor in fresh open air with your legs crossed, as explained here: Place your left leg with the heel pressing the perineum (refer to my post “How to isolate the perineum muscles” if you need to), as close to the anus as possible or the vagina and the right leg above the left, with the toe of the right between the thigh and calf muscle of the left leg. If you find this difficult place a tennis ball (or a similar object) behind your left heel to press the vagina and place the right leg in any manner comfortable to you. Sit straight and you are ready to start Kapalbhati Pranayama.

Breathe deeply for 2 to 3 minutes. Clear your throat and nose. Check that both your nostrils are open by closing one at a time and breathing through the other. If a nostril is constricted press the index or pointing finger of the hand on that side and breathe normally till it opens. If you do not succeed you can still start Kapala bhati pranayama, but expect fewer results and be ready to practice for a longer period of time to see tangible results.

Kapalabhati Pranayama: Place your wrist on your knees with the palms facing upward. Join the tip of the thumb with the index figure of both hands. Breathe in normally and quickly force the air out from both nostrils as if you were coughing or clearing your nose. The breath in is normal and natural whereas the breath out is a short burst. You simply need to concentrate on the quick exhale and try to do about 60 repetitions a minute. Initially if you do less than 60 it is okay. Do not worry about the abdominal movement you may see in the videos on youtube. The abdominal movement is a result of the proper breathing so concentrate on the breathing. Make sure you are not moving your shoulders too much. Your objective is to do Kapal Bhati for 15 minutes at a stretch with one stroke every second. Start with 1 or 2 minutes and slowly increase the number of sets and the duration of each set. It may take you 2 to 3 months of practice to do Kapal Bhati for 15 minutes at a stretch. Make sure you do not strain yourself. If you feel any discomfort stop and rest. Do only as much as you can comfortably take. Before you end breathe out and pull your abdomen in while contracting your vaginal muscles and pulling up your perineum muscles, hold as long as possible. You may repeat it 2 to 5 times. Once you finish lay down flat on your back close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe normally but a little deeper than usual.  At the end of your session you should feel more energetic and your energy levels should remain higher through the day after a few days of regular practice. If this is not happening there is something wrong. So you should either stop or reduce the duration or number of sets. Also check if you are following the steps correctly. As you keep practicing Kapal Bhati regularly your desire to indulge in and initiate sexual activity will increase, you will be able to have orgasms more readily and will generally feel healthier. Your fertility level will also increase so take necessary precautions if you are not intending to get pregnant. I recommend including a breast massage or the Female Deer exercise for even better results.

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Saturday, 21 September 2013

How to isolate the Perineum muscles (Kegel Muscles)

In this post I discuss how to isolate the perineum muscle in men and in women. Perineum muscles are often referred to as the Kegel muscles and sometimes as the perineal muscles. Considering that the sexual system and genitalia in males and females is quite different, the perineum muscles work differently in the two sexes. It is important to know exactly which muscle(s) to isolate, to correctly perform the following exercises:

Kegel exercises for men
Kegel exercises for women
Male Deer exercise or Sexual Qi gong for men (a form of Tai Chi)
Female Deer exercise or Sexual Qi gong for Women - Breast massage with pelvic crunch

In each case the isolation of the muscle(s) is a little different, let us see how:

Kegel exercise for men or Pelvic floor exercise for men
In the Kegel exercise for men we are trying to isolate the muscles which form the pelvic floor, starting at the anus to the scrotum (testicles) or the root of the penis. When performing the Pelvic floor exercise you contract the muscle that would stop urine flow midstream, the muscle between the scrotum and the anus where a woman’s vagina would be and the anal muscles. Thus you should try to visualize all three areas then contracting the muscles. In my personal opinion the muscle at the penis end is the most important and also the most difficult to work. Do not do the exercise regularly while urinating. Stopping urine flow to identify the muscles is quite okay.

The Kegel when performed correctly helps cure premature ejaculation and over time makes the erections stronger and healthier. I would however, recommend the Male Deer exercise over Kegel for men.

Kegel exercise for women or Pelvic floor exercise for women
In the Kegel exercise for women we are trying to isolate the muscles which form the pelvic floor, starting at the anus, including the vaginal muscles, up to the urethra. When performing the Pelvic floor exercise you contract the muscle that would stop urine flow midstream, the muscles of the vagina as you would around the penis during sexual intercourse and the muscles of the anus. The muscles that help stop urine flow and the vaginal muscles are more important to be exercised in women. Do not do the exercise regularly while urinating. Stopping urine flow to identify the muscles is quite okay.

 Kegel Magic

Male Deer exercise or Sexual Qigong for men
In the Male Deer exercise for men we are trying to isolate the muscle which would stop urine flow midstream. Here we try as much as possible to keep the muscle between the scrotum and the anus as well as the anal muscles as relaxed as possible while working the penis muscle, that would help stop urine flow. This muscle is easier to find in men as compared to women. When you pull or contract this muscle with an erection while standing, the penis will lift slightly. If you are lying down you will still see and feel slight movement in a direction depending on your body position. Do not do the exercise regularly while urinating. Stopping urine flow to identify the muscles is quite okay. The Male Deer for men when performed correctly will help combat premature ejaculation, Impotence, erectile dysfunction and help achieve better erections. In the long term the exercise brings about changes and balances testosterone levels, DHEA and other hormones, improving overall sexual health and performance. A link to how to perform the exercise is given at the end of this post.  

Female Deer exercise or Sexual Qigong for Women
In the Female Deer exercise we are trying to isolate the muscle which would stop urine flow midstream. Here we try to contract only the muscle that would stop urine flow midstream. We try not to work the vaginal and anal muscles. Initially you may find it difficult but with practice it will become easier. Initially if you use all three muscles as a group, there is no harm, but for better results try to isolate the urethral muscle(s). For women the exercise helps improve vaginal lubrication and reduces vaginal stress. Over time it brings about changes in levels of DHEA, Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone, thus balancing the hormones and helps you enjoy and relax during sexual activity. It also prepares the ground for multiple and full body orgasms.

A good video demonstration of the FEMALE Deer exercise is available at:
A good video demonstration of the MALE Deer exercise is available at:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvkzMhVTsmE watch later

Saturday, 14 September 2013

How to perform the Female Deer exercise - Breast massage

Female Deer exercise is a simple but very beneficial exercise. It is Self Breast Massage with a pelvic crunch. It helps increase DHEA and Oxytocin levels, which in turn help improve fertility, regulate mood swings, and regulate levels of Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone in the body. Correct DHEA levels in the body will help you deal with stress and depression and will keep you more energetic and sexually more active.

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How to perform the Female Deer exercise
The exercise should ideally be performed in the morning before eating anything. Find a well-ventilated private space; sit naked on the floor on a mat or the bed with a firm mattress. Place your left heel between the anus and the vaginal opening. If you find this difficult place the heel anywhere touching your body, preferably below the Clitoris as close to or behind the vagina. Even if this is difficult use a small ball like a tennis ball to press near the vagina with the heel of the left foot. Place the right foot above the left leg between the thigh and calf muscle with the heel touching the pubis. If you find this difficult simply place the right leg in front, on the floor or mat. If you get the position of both heels touching the body, try to push the heels back, to exert a slight pressure.

Close your eyes and take deep breaths - at least 25 times or up to 5 minutes. Now, rub your hands to warm them. Place both hands on your breasts, left hand on the left breast and right on the right breast. Now gently massage in circular motion, going inside up and outside down. Breathe in going up and breathe out going down. Continue doing this 81 times without stopping. Do it slowly with eyes closed enjoying every stroke. Continue longer if you wish to. At the end you will feel relaxed and more energetic.

Finally clench your hands around your thumb and place them in your lap. Pull the perineum muscle and hold as long as you comfortably can. Do this once. This is not the same as the Kegel (pelvic floor exercise) exercise. Here we are trying to isolate the muscle that would stop urine mid-stream, excluding the vaginal and anal muscles. Never do the exercise while urinating; it may lead to retention of urine or weakening of the muscle.

A combined video demonstration of the MALE and FEMALE Deer exercise is available at:

 A good video demonstration of the MALE Deer exercise is available at:

A good video demonstration of the FEMALE Deer exercise is available at:

Thursday, 27 June 2013

How to milk Prostate - Prostate massage


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Prostate milking is helpful in treatment of prostatitis and reducing the size of the gland. Enlargement of the prostate gland is a common problem and males above the age of 35 usually have an enlarged prostate. This enlargement may be benign or could be the starting of cancer. Prostate milking, also called Prostate Massage, may be used as alternative treatment for Prostatitis or could purely be done for sexual pleasure. Prostate milking is different from masturbation, because a prostate massage results in a male losing more prostatic fluid. Prostate milking is fairly simple, but one needs to be careful because the prostate has to be reached thru the anal canal, and there are chances of injury or infection if one is careless. The prostate is positioned directly above the perineum; this is the area between the anus and the testicles in a male.

Preparing for prostate milking
Whether you do the milking for pleasure or for treatment, you need to make sure that the person performing the task cleans her hands thoroughly and the nails are cut and of course you need to remove any jewelry; rings etc. The Prostate needs to be reached thru the anus and there is grave threat of infection and injury. Please also make sure that there are no cuts, wounds or infections on the hands. Use an organic lubricant. It is best to use edible grade oil or pure almond oil, NEVER use mustard oil. Using a latex glove is a good option but not really necessary.

The prostate milking process
It may be a good idea to start the massage from the penis and testicles and including the perineum and anus. The idea is to relax and excite, to make for easy access. If you are doing it yourself; lay down on the floor with your feet raised and resting on the bed with your legs spread. Lubricate your anus and the middle finger; insert the middle finger a little over an inch into the anus and curl it towards the root of the penis. Move it gently left, right, forward until you feel a small mound like structure. This is the prostate gland. Now rub it gently by moving your finger left, right, forward and back or in a manner that feels best. You will need to continue for a fair period of time, before the semen flows. Initially if you find it difficult to start a flow include the perineum, testicles and the penis in the massage. If you feel dryness re-apply oil on the finger and anus and continue.

If you have help of a partner find the best position for easy and comfortable access. Be sure to communicate to the partner what feels right. Many couples find it a good addition to their sex life. Some heterosexual men are hesitant, but most enjoy it once they try it.

How to milk the prostate is easy to practice. It not only reduces the risk of prostate cancer but is a good addition to a couples’ sex life.

Monday, 20 May 2013

How to make money Blogging (Part 2 and update).


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I have been writing about a lot of stuff I have been through in the past 40 years of my life. I started the blog because, one I want to gain from a lot of stuff I have been through in my life, which others may be going through and I am hoping it will help someone manage his or her life better. Second my intention is to monetize the blog at some point when I have enough material out there. I am writing on a lot of different stuff but the most read posts are:
Pre-pubic masturbation and child health
How to stop a masturbation addiction
Erectile Dysfunction (ED or Impotence)
Penis enlargement and premature ejaculation
These were in the month of April. However, in the month of May, 2013 this has changed and now the most read posts are:
Improve Sexual health with Lingam (penis) and Yoni (vagina) massage.
Yoni Massage (Vagina Massage)
Curing erotomania, nymphomania, hyper-sexuality, epilepsy and masturbation in women.
Penis enlargement and premature ejaculation
My first post Version 2
I am assuming that the key to any type of money making is to write what people want to read and have concerns about, address as large an audience as possible, and write about stuff you are sure about. Keep the readers interest in mind, people read stuff they can identify with and gain from. I am trying to write 1 post a day, but it is looking like quite a challenge. However, now the situation has changed, or let us says it is changing.  I have written over 20,000 words more since I wrote the first part of this post and the page views are getting better. The last post on the subject was on April 8, 2013. I am now writing about a 1,000 words a day. And have written a total of 31 posts since I started. Let me add that I haven’t made a penny since I started. The blog was created less than 6 months ago and I got really serious less than 2 months ago. I will write more on my blogging experience as I get more results. Bye for now…

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Quick Post on Impotence – some homeopathic remedies

Impotence can have many origins and can be a difficult condition to treat. Some common remedies prescribed in Homeopathy are listed below.

Agnus Castus is prescribed usually when impotence is brought on due to abuses and sexual excesses of former years. The penis is very relaxed that sexual fantasies excite no erection. The testicles get cold and the spermatic fluid is absolutely thin, if it flows at all. Agnus patients suffer from illusion of smell.

Agnus Castus, Lycopodium and Sulphur are quite similar in respect of coldness of the sexual parts and smallness of the sexual organs. 

Caladium is prescribed in impotence when voluptuous excitement is present but not attended with proper erections.

Conium and Phosphorus are remedies in impotence which is the result of undue continence or sexual abstention, as in the case of old bachelors.

Thuja is prescribed when impotence is a result of Gonorrhea.

Here is a list of some more remedies. Kindly refer to a material medica of homeopathic remedies for symptoms. I will try to write about them in detail ASAP. If you need help you may leave a reply to this post and I will get back to you.

Remedies: Agricus Muscarius, Argentum Metallicum, Aurum Metallicum, Calcarea Carbonica, Ledum, Moschus, Nux Vomica, Onosmodium, Phospharic Acid (Acid Phos.), Phosphorus, Selenium, Sulphur and Yohimbinum.

FREE Report
Ejaculatory Control
Unstoppable Stamina - 7 secrets porn stars know

Further Reading:
5 signs you’re suffering from low T
4 Ways to Naturally Increase Testosterone
Night Time Testosterone-boosting Routine
Never Ask your Doctor About Low T
How to Be 10 Years Younger
How to get rid of man boobs

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

How to make easy money (Rs 124 million or USD 2.26 million in 4 years)

I was recently approached by someone with another money making scheme. I declined because I do not trust any scheme where I am promised a lot of money, and am asked to put up a small investment upfront. If someone actually has a real business he simply needs good people to work for him, people who can perform. So I declined the offer. However, let me first tell you what the plan was:

I needed to put up a small sum of money (sorry I did not ask how much). These amounts are usually small like a hundred dollars (INR 6,820) or so. This is a non-refundable fee. Now I was told that I needed to make two groups of 6 people each, who would all have to pay a hundred dollars each as joining fee. Once I have the two teams ready I would be paid a little over 100 dollars (INR 6,000).

Next I would need to work with and help these 12 individuals to sell the idea to another 12 people under them. For each of these 144 individuals I would get 1300 dollars (INR 72,000).

So now I have an overall team of 144+12=156 individuals. I can now add more people at level one or level 2 as I wish.

Let’s say I decide to help level 2 the 144 people to acquire 12 individuals each. This, if done successfully would increase the team size to 144X12=1728 individuals. Once this happens, I get a commission of Rs 864,000 (USD 16,000). Now my team / organization size is 12+144+1728=1884 individuals, in the three levels. I can keep adding individuals at any level. For simplicity sake let us say I decide to work with level three:

I help level 3 to acquire 12 individuals each. If done successfully this would add 1728X12=20,736 individuals to the organization, and I would get Rs 10,368,000 (USD 190,000). I do not know if this sounds good in dollar terms but it certainly sounds good in rupee terms.

Now if we can move to level 5 we will potentially have an organization size of 20,736x12=248,832 individuals. And my commission would be Rs 124 million (USD 2.26 million). So the numbers at this level sound great, but the million dollar question is can we make it work. I don’t think it can work, but if there is anyone out there who thinks it can work, please let me know.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Homeopathy: Treatment of breast infection

This is about a young woman aged about 27 years, she works for me as domestic help. Recently she gave birth to a baby boy. One day she did not turn up for work. On enquiry I found that the baby was unwell. Next day she came and told me that the child was unwell because her breasts were engorged and she was in a lot of pain and she may have infected the baby. She was not being able to feed the child properly. The milk was plenty, but the pain was preventing her from breast feeding the child. She went to a doctor and was given medication and lotions. She took the medicine for three days which included medication for the child who had had fever. However, there was no improvement in her condition and the pain continued for another two days. She then asked me to give her some homeopathic medication for her condition. On the morning of April 23, 2013 at 10am, I gave her Bryonia 30c. She was advised to take a dose every half hour till the pain subsided, to be reviewed thereafter. She came to work at 5pm, but had taken only 5 doses of the medicine. However, the pain had reduced and she had breastfed the baby 3 times. She has been advised to continue Bryonia and massage the breasts with coconut oil or til oil or “desi ghee” (fat made by processing butter).

The next morning her pain had reduced. In about ten days she was perfectly fine.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

My first post Version 2

All that I am writing here is based on my experience with Chinese martial art, Yoga, Iron Crotch Qigong and other type of exercises over the past 20 years. Anyone suffering from sexual dysfunction of any kind; premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, lack of sexual appetite, low sexual interest - especially in women, lack of fulfillment of desire in bachelors, widows and spinsters, should consider practicing Yoga and sexual Qigong. There are many emotional and psychological problems that arise due to excessive masturbation and onanism, which can also be cured using Yoga and Qigong. In extreme cases we may need help from Ayurveda and Homeopathy. The exercises and techniques can also help low sperm count, women not being able to have children due to medical issues or otherwise.  All techniques described here will only benefit you to some degree. We need to understand that all ancient exercises, martial art, yoga, qigong etc. aimed at one thing better sexual health which is the key to general health. The first step to nirvana starts with first having perfect health, which in turn depends on sexual health.

Onanism and Masturbation
Let me quickly touch upon the two curses of modern times - Onanism and Masturbation. Onanism is the act of withdrawing the penis during sexual intercourse so that ejaculation takes place outside the vagina. Most readers would consider Onanism and Masturbation harmless acts. However, while studying Homeopathy over the years I have found many remedies (medicines) that treat mental and emotional derangement arising out of these two acts. When we say Onanism or Masturbation, we are really talking about ejaculation taking place outside the vagina. The belief behind it is that sexual intercourse is meant for procreation and is not a recreational exercise. Nature has programmed us to enjoy the act for perpetual existence of the human race. It is like eating, we are meant to eat to provide nourishment and energy to our body, but we mostly eat because we enjoy it. In the same manner we indulge in sexual activity mostly for pleasure not necessarily for procreation. This unnatural way of indulging in sexual activity harms men more than women. You can find more on the subject in my post “How to stop a masturbation addiction”. The practice of Yoga and Qigong will not only help strengthen the sexual system, but also remove excessive sexual urge which usually leads to the abuse of the body.

Yoga – Pranayama (breathing exercises)
There are many breathing exercises (pranayama) described in Ancient Hindu scriptures (Vedas). Different exercises have an effect on different “Chakras” or systems of the body. However the starting point towards better sexual health and enjoyment is the “mooladhar chakra”. This is simply the reproduction system of the body. Doing exercises to improve the reproductive system has a dramatic effect on your overall wellbeing. The basis of good health is the reproductive system. These exercises actually bring about hormonal and chemical changes in the body. Two exercises, Kapaal Bhati, from the Indian system and Sexual (or Iron Crotch) Qigong (or Chi Kung or Chi gung), are great to strengthen and make the sexual sphere disease free and increase pleasure and overall wellbeing.

Kapaal Bhati
Kapaal Bhati can be practiced both by men and women. It is best practiced in the morning before eating anything, in open air. Doing it indoors will benefit, but a little less. The objective of the exercise is to increase Oxygen levels in blood. Most of us usually breathe very shallow and do 10 to 12 repetitions per minute. In Kapaal Bhati you increase repetitions to 60 per minute. Kapaal bhati is done sitting down, cross legged on the floor. It is good to sit on the floor or grass without a mat. However, if you want you may use a mat, and even do it indoors on a bed, couch or chair. I would not recommend doing it standing. It is a simple exercise where you breathe in as you normally do and quickly, with a little extra force, push the air out through the nose. When you breathe out you should feel the same stress in your lungs, upper and lower abdomen, as you would when you cough. Try keeping your body straight and shoulders should not move. To start with 30 or 40 repetitions per minute are good, do not force yourself, do as fast as you can, comfortably. To get any meaningful benefit you need to do Kapaal Bhati for at least 15 minutes continuously, or let’s say that is your final target. You will start experiencing changes in about 40 days. However, do not start doing 15 minutes from day one. Start with one set of one or two minutes. Slowly increase the number of sets and duration per set. Your goal is to do at least 3 sets of 5 minutes each. Once you reach this point continue for at least 40 days to experience changes. I however started doing 25 minutes from the first when I started, in five sets of 5 minutes each, without any problem. But this I could do because I was already doing a lot of other physical exercises, including running and stomach crunches. So if you are someone who is physically fit and exercises, go ahead and start at whatever level you want, but never exceed more than 30 minutes of kapaal bhati. This exercise when done right, increases blood flow in general and specifically to the mooladhaar chakra (the genetalia), which very often results in erection of the penis in males during the exercise. I did not get an erection at the start, but six months into practicing kapaal bahti it started happening spontaneously. This erection is different from the one you would get during foreplay or looking at erotica. It is fuller, healthy and not requiring sexual release of any kind. If you have the opportunity to indulge in sexual intercourse or masturbate, it would be counterproductive to do so. You need to let this sexual energy play its role in healing or energizing the body. When you get the erection, pulling the perineum muscles will move the energy upward, and the erection will subside.  Perineum muscles can be isolated easily, simply think of the muscles you use to stop urine flow mid-stream.

Within 40 days you will feel healthier, sexier, more energetic, emotionally and mentally stronger. If you are sexually overactive, you will find yourself having less but better quality of sex. If you masturbate and want to give it up, Kapaal Bhati will help. Your sperm count will normalize, in extreme cases it may take a longer time for this to happen. It will help premature ejaculation if you suffer from it. Your penis size may increase; my penis has grown by ¾ of an inch and I get firmer and healthier erections. Your skin quality will improve. Your weight and blood sugar will normalize. Your resistance to disease will increase. If you have some existing medical condition it will improve too. In short you will find a general improvement in overall health and you will start feeling sexier. You will find a kind of healthy glow on your face. You will become calmer and if you are an angry person you will be able to control your anger easily. This will benefit your people skills. It will also make you more productive, by providing you with more energy thru the day. If you are a smoker or drink too much, regular kapaal bahti will help you get rid of the addictions.

Sexual Qigong (chi kung or chi gung) also called Iron Crotch Qigong
Sexual Qigong does not talk about sexual abstention whereas yoga and pranayama practitioners recommend sexual abstention (or brahmachrya) especially for men.  Women have started practicing yogic exercises and pranayama in modern times, however ancient Hindu scriptures only give examples of techniques used by men.

Sexual Qigong should be practiced in the morning, preferably with morning wood (erection). However, the bladder should be empty. In my experience, I lose the erection when emptying the bladder. So what I recommend is that you stimulate (do not ejaculate), and bring the penis to erection. What I do, however is, I use Kapal Bhati (see my previous post for details). 5 minutes of Kapal Bhati gives me an erection similar to a morning erection. Let me add that even if you are unable to have an erection you may practice Sexual Qigong without an erection. Even without an erection you will benefit from it.

To start with look for a private space. You can use a room or practice out in the open. The space should not be to hot or cold. Remove all your clothes. Sit on the edge of a chair, a bed, a step…. Rub your hands together and cup your testicles with one hand, placing your thumb where the penis joins the lower abdomen. With the other hand massage the area between the navel and the root of the penis 81 times going from top to bottom, in a circular motion. Then change hands and repeat the process again. Next sit with your hands clenched into a fist, with your fingers around your thumb. Place the fists lightly on your lap. Concentrate on the area between your anus and testicles and pull this area (the perineum) upwards. An easy way to isolate this muscle is to think of the muscle used to stop urination mid-stream. This pulls the sexual energy upwards starting at the base of the spine. If you started with an erection, it will reduce during the massage and should completely subside when pulling the perineum upward. If you practice this daily in about a month you should start feeling more energetic. I suggest you do not waste this energy indulging in excessive sexual intercourse or masturbation. Let the energy work on your body. This energy can help you get rid of any medical conditions you may have or simply make your body healthier.

If you want I will send you an uncensored version showing exactly how to hold the penis and scrotum.

 The Penis Bible

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Friday, 19 April 2013

Does homeopathy work?

This post is part of Harry’s blog at http://SEXnYOGA.blogspot.com

Does Homeopathy work? is a difficult question to answer, however I am attempting to do just that here. Homeopathy has a placebo effect. This is a statement I have heard very often. My answer to this is that as long as it cures my headache, cancer, tumor, addiction or whatever, I don’t care if I am simply being fooled by the “Placebo effect” or it is really working. However, taking the argument against homeopathy forward it is scientifically possible to prove that remedies of homeopathy do not contain any real medicine. Let us look at how remedies are prepared. I have mostly used remedies in 30c potency. As an example let’s take Arsenicum. Arsenic is a lethal poison and less than a gram of arsenic can kill a person. To prepare the first level or 1c (mother tincture) of the Homeopathic remedy we take one part by weight of the arsenic (vitreous arsenous acid) and boil it to a complete solution in sixty parts of water. This is filtered and more distilled water added till it is raised to ninety parts. This is then added to ten parts of ninety-five p.c. alcohol. To make 2c potency we add one part 1c to 100 parts of alcohol. To make 3c potency we add 1 part 2c to 100 parts of alcohol, thus the dilution is now 10,000 times or 1 followed by 4 zeros. We keep repeating the process till we reach potency 30c, the dilution is 1 followed by 58 zeros. If you take it forward to say 200c the dilution is 1 followed by 398 zeros. Homeopathic remedies may be diluted 100,000 times in a similar way. At this point the dilution of the substance is 1 followed by 199,998 zeros.

Now let us look at how the remedies are administered. Homeopathic remedies can be used in two ways. One, a couple of drops of the remedy, as prepared by the dilution process described above, may be put in a tablespoon of distilled water and taken as a dose or sugar pills may be saturated with the remedy and sucked as and when required. Both methods are equally effective, but the second one is preferred for convenience. In each case the amount of the material if one was to calculate, in theory, would not be present in all doses of the medication, Or maybe a molecule would be present in a few thousand doses of remedies prepared by this dilution process. However, I know from experience that all remedies of homeopathy work and I have experienced some very dramatic cases.

Recently I had a swelling (abscess) in the top left wisdom tooth. The tooth is hollow, broken and in very bad shape. I went to a dentist and he recommended extraction. Before the extraction I was told to take a course of antibiotics. Usually after the surgery (extraction) one has to take another course of antibiotics. I was in a lot of pain, so I started and completed the course of antibiotics. The abscess receded and the pain went away and I never went back for the extraction. A few months later the pain started again and the same infection was back. Again I was recommended antibiotics and extraction but I decided to try a homeopathic remedy. After looking at many remedies I decided to take Hepar Sulf in 30c potency. The remedy worked like magic. In two days the abscess and pain were gone. I still have what is left of the tooth. I just keep it clean and at the slightest sign of infection I take a few doses of Hepar Sulf.

Going back to the placebo effect of homeopathy, I fail to understand how an abscess can get better, if what I was taking were dummy pills. I have been using homeopathic remedies for over 20 years now and very often I find that, for any given complaint just one remedy brings complete relief.

Homeopathy works on the principle of similia similibus curanter (curentur), this means that whatever substance induces symptoms can potentially cure the same symptoms. The principle is used to some extent in modern medicine where vaccines have been developed on similar lines. The difference however is that allopathic medicines use it as preventive, but homeopathy uses the principle to create remedies for already developed diseases and there are instances where homeopathic remedies have cured tumors and cancer. Homeopathy has another advantage, it can catch a disease even when modern pathological lab tests, cannot detect the disease. Lab tests will usually detect a disease once it is fully developed or at least more than 70% developed. These tests cannot catch any deviation in energy and vitality, which usually happens years before a disease will show up in a pathological lab test.

In modern day practice of homeopathy however, homeopaths and medicine manufacturers have started using some very “un-homeopathic” methods. According to the principles of homeopathy only one remedy should be prescribed for a complaint. However, mostly one finds homeopaths prescribe two or more remedies. This usually happens because the amount of time required to pinpoint the correct remedy can be ridiculously high. The practitioner and the patient both want a quick fix. They want homeopathy to work like allopathy does. However, homeopathy requires a lot of skill and a bit of trial and error to hit upon the correct remedy. So when a homeopath finds three or four remedies which probably fit the symptoms he usually prescribes all of them to be taken by rotation. Thereby he spoils the case and sometimes induces more symptoms.

Homeopathic remedy manufacturing companies also produce mixtures of more than one remedy, against the principle of homeopathic prescribing and push homeopaths to prescribe these formulations, purely for profit. They make specific remedy mixtures for specific complaints, which are touted to work for anyone with a specific problem. However, the principles of homeopathy say that you need to find one specific remedy keeping in mind the complaint, the patient and totality of symptoms specific to that patient and symptoms.

There may be times however, when one remedy does not cover all the symptoms, so the homeopath should tackle the bigger issue first, one this is cured he should move on to other issues if any. Sometimes a well-chosen remedy will not only rid the patient of the known symptoms of a remedy but also other symptoms not yet documented. So it becomes the duty of the homeopath to document any new symptoms he may come across and share it with the rest of the homeopathic community.

In conclusion I would like to say that firstly homeopathy works and has been working for over 200 years, when Samuel Hahnemann first discovered and documented the principles of homeopathy. Secondly, it is possible to rubbish the potential of homeopathy, because one can prove statistically and scientifically that homeopathy cannot work. Thirdly, to all the skeptics there is only one thing to be said, you need to try it and then decide on whether it is worth using homeopathy or not. Last but not the least, the reason why homeopathy is not as popular as it should be is mostly because the people in the business of homeopathy do not have obscenely high budgets, even a fraction of what modern medical professionals, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies have. Today the game, even in medicine, is that to pushing services down the consumer’s throat, rather than that of merit.