Every patient of Erectile Dysfunction is different with his unique symptoms. For every individual suffering from ED the treatment would depend upon his peculiar symptoms. The “one size fits all” solutions being sold today may really not work for every patient. There may be a history of injury which has triggered the condition in one and sexual excesses in another. Impotence may have conditions of wasting of the testicles or may be accompanied by symptoms of irritability, nervousness, digestive disorders and constipation. In some cases the condition may have developed recently and in other cases it may be of long standing. The line of treatment in each case will depend on the peculiar and complete symptoms accompanying the condition. The dysfunction is not the same in every patient one may have no erections al all and another may have partial but insufficient erections. In most patients the history of past excesses and loss of seminal fluid may be present but we need to look at the age of the patient, overall condition of the mind and body in light of all other accompanying symptoms to arrive at a line of treatment. Here we will look at some of the more common patients that may be found with impotence, their unique symptoms and the treatment available in Homeopathy.
Our first patient is in a state of “nirvana”. There is no desire or ability and he has become lifeless and immobile. The condition is the result of great loss of seminal fluid originally due to injudicious use of the sexual function. It is a condition of real impotence. There is involuntary dribbling of semen during sleep. Prostatic fluid oozes during stool or sitting which results in further loss of strength and capacity. There are no vulgar thoughts and the patient is incapacitated from fulfilling his sexual obligations. Such a patient often responds to Homeopathic remedy "Selenium Metallicum"
Our second type of patient has extreme desire for embrace with insufficient seminal emissions. He has insufficient erections but is able to penetrate. He is extremely debilitated and suffers deeply after any act of coition. There are profuse night sweats especially as a consequence of embrace. These patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Agaricus Muscarius"
Our third patient has lost all desire for embrace but he feels light and happy during and after an embrace. The penis is relaxed and sexual life is at its lowest. He has vulgar thoughts but they excite no excitement or erections. Sexual desire is completely lost. The testes are cold, swollen hard and painful. The condition is accompanied with self-contempt, melancholia and extreme debility. The seminal fluid is extremely thin. Such patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy “Agnus Castus”
Our fourth patient is extremely despondent and melancholy. His thoughts often border on suicide. There are no erections and the penis is always relaxed. The testes hang like pendants and are extremely deteriorated. these patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Aurum Metallicum"
Our fifth patient has nocturnal dreams without any lewd thoughts. The impotence is the result of past excesses and is accompanied with involuntary loss of seminal fluid. Such patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Caladium Seguinum"
Our sixth patient has developed the condition from excessive masturbation. Erections are present but are insufficient. There is weakness form indulgence and ejaculation is extremely delayed. Any act or attempt resulting in seminal release brings with it extreme debility of mind and body. Such patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Calcarea Carbonica"
Our seventh patient has developed the condition due to suppression of sexual desire. Such impotence is often found in old bachelors. Mind and memory are feeble they have a pale face and dark circles around the eyes. It is generally the consequence of actions done against the laws of nature. Such patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Conium Maculatum"
Our eighth patient has developed impotence due to great loss of seminal fluid which may not be from over indulgence or masturbation. He is cold, nervous and feeble. He often falls asleep during embrace. The condition is often found in older men who have great desire with vulgar thoughts but cannot have an erection. These patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Lycopodium Clavatum"
Our ninth patient has been milked completely dry and hardly has any seminal discharge during embrace. These patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Phosphorus"
Our tenth patient is young and addicted to masturbation. He often looses seminal fluid without an erection from being in the company of women or looking at them. Such loss of seminal fluid is a typical symptom at any age often corrected by "Conium Maculatum"
Whenever trying to find a Homeopathic remedy for any condition it is important to refer to a Materia Medica. One needs to go through all the symptoms listed in the text and choose the remedy that completely covers all symptoms, not just symptoms for the particular condition. Please leave a comment if you have a suggestion or need more information.
I have done a lot of research online and offline on the subject. The internet, in my opinion is not a very reliable source for information on Erectile Dysfunction. Quality information is hard to come by. I recently discovered an eBook titled “ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION”. This eBook is an excellent resource of facts and critical information on ED. I have provided a link here. At under $10 it is a real steal.
Here are links to help you buy the remedy you need:
Selenium Metallicum
Agaricus Muscarius
Agnus Castus
Aurum Metallicum
Caladium Seguinum
Calcarea Carbonica
Conium Maculatum
Lycopodium Clavatum
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