Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Yoga for better health

NOTE: Kapalbhati will result in loss of excess fat not only from the abdomen but all over. If you do not want to reduce your weight please avoid practicing it.

I suffer from Chronic Fatigue and an eating disorder which keeps me from living a normal life. 10 years ago I discovered 4 exercises of Yoga thanks to Swami Ramdev which together have helped me live a better quality of life. The four Yoga exercises are Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, Bhramri and Udgeet. These exercises were practiced by Indian yogis and find mention in the Vedas. All the exercises should be done in the morning in open air. Wear something that is not restrictive to abdominal movement.

This is a good exercise for weight reduction with many more benefits. It helps increase the oxygen levels in the body. Higher oxygen levels strengthen the immune system and help fight disease. It is a simple exercise but should be done for at least 10 minutes in 2 equal sets of 5 minutes each. Sit cross legged in Gyan mudra. Gyan mudra is a hand position. Make a circle with the thumb and index finger. Place the palms face up on your knees. If for some reason you find it difficult to sit cross legged, sit in another suitable way, for instance in a chair. Make sure both nostrils are unblocked. If a nostril is blocked, pinching the index finger at the tip helps unblock it. If this does not work lying down on the side of the open nostril will unblock the other nostril. Once both nostrils are working, inhale and breathe out quickly, and keep repeating this. You need to concentrate on breathing out with a short burst and breathe in normally. The breathing out is similar to coughing only air is let out through the nose. The shoulders remain still. Only the chest and abdomen move. Every stroke should be completed in 1 second. When you are starting off, do one set of 100 counts. Increase this every day by 50 counts until you reach 300 counts in five minutes. Continue this for a week or 10 days then increase to 2 sets slowly. If you feel any discomfort stop the exercise till you feel fine. Please consult a trained Yoga instructor or your doctor before you start Kapalbhati. Kapalbhati should not be practiced by individuals with hypertension or other heart issues. Avoid it if you have issues with you abdomen. Women should not practice it during menstruation and pregnancy. It is a powerful exercise and if done regularly will help you reduce weight and boost your energy levels and reduce the need for sleep. I have experienced weight reduction of a pound in one single session of 25 minutes. However do be careful and consult an expert. You may reach me via email

Anulom Vilom
This is relatively a safe exercise. Sit cross legged in Gyan mudra. With the thumb of the right hand close the right nostril. Breathe in through the left nostril. Now close the left nostril with the middle and ring fingers, release the thumb from the right nostril and breathe out. Keep the left nostril closed and breathe in through the right nostril. Close the right nostril with the thumb and breathe out through the left. This completes one round. Anulom Vilom is done slowly while focusing on the breath. Breathe in and out at a slow regular pace. You should be doing about 12 rounds per minute. Another variation of Anulom Vilom is that you breathe in through one nostril in 10 counts, hold your breath for 10 counts and breathe out in 10 counts and keep repeating this. Anulom Vilom can be done in 5 minute sets or continuously for longer duration. I do and recommend one set of Kapalbhati and one set of Anulom Vilom. Always start with Kapalbhati. Anulom Vilom is great for relieving stress and can be safely done for long durations if stress levels are high. It will relax and help you focus.

Once you have completed two sets of Kapalbhati and Anulom Vilom each. Close your ears with the thumb place your index finger on the eye brows and close your eyes with the other three fingers. Now breathe out through the nose saying Om with the mouth closed. This creates a vibration in the mouth and throat. Repeat this 5 times after you have completed Kapalbhati and Anulom Vilom. Bhramri helps the thyroid anxiety and stress. It helps control anger and anxiety, improves concentration and memory among a host of other benefits depending on the individual practicing it. If you have trouble sleeping practicing Bhramree at night will help you sleep. Do it at the end of your exercise session 5 times but may practice it for longer duration for more benefit.

Sit in Gyan mudra breathe in and say Om through the mouth 5 times. Breathe in deep and slowly release the air through the mouth over 5 to 10 seconds while saying Om. This calms he mind, relieves tension and soothes the nerves. Udgeet may also be practiced for long durations to reap more benefit.

When done together these four exercises will improve energy levels and reduce weight, reduce stress and anxiety, improve digestion, strengthen the ab muscles, improve vision, and keep you safe from coughs and colds. They will also strengthen your immune system. In addition these exercises help control anger and improve concentration. I can list hundreds of more benefits but instead would urge you to try the exercises for 40 days and feel the change for yourself. However, I recently came across this excellent yoga program by Kris Fondran. I would recommend it to anyone looking for more exercises for overall fitness, than what I have discussed in this article. For under $20, I think it is great value for money.  

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

What women want?

In this post I am taking a very clinical look at behavior, a sort of outsiders view to female behavior. Women are always looking for men who cannot just satisfy them physically but, emotionally as well. They need much more than the six inches men usually want to offer. For a woman sex is not and cannot be a 20 minute fix, like it is for most men. For women sexual foreplay can begin just talking to a man with the right voice, attitude, and sense of humor. Partner (mate) selection is without fail a psycho-emotional process for women. Women take their time selecting the right man and once he is found they will not let go easily, they will use every trick in the book to get him. This is quite unlike men; a man given the opportunity will pounce on just about any woman (who lets him). He may think and often will think that he seduced her, but in most cases the truth is quite the opposite. It is always the woman who lets him seduce her. Under the same set of circumstances involving a man, a woman will act in one of two ways, I like what I see and will let him approach or I don’t like what I see so god help the man. My advice to my men friends is “learn to look for these signals and you will do great with women”. Also if you want to succeed with women, show them what they want to see, in behavior, words and superiority to other men in every possible way.

Often women go for a man who is already with another woman. This is a sort of subliminal short listing process for a woman. She may evaluate how he treats the other woman and may subconsciously like what she sees. I do not think any woman knows that she is doing all this complicated rating, but all women have the same set of basic rules and will use the work put in by another woman whenever possible. All this may not happen consciously but a lot of it happens. Women often compare notes about the man they are with, unwittingly passing on information which may appeal to a friend. To make things worse they want their friend, especially the best friend to meet the man in their life. This is mostly done for a second opinion, a sort of approval process. I don’t think any woman realizes that her best friend could be a threat to her love life. So, guys you need to succeed with the friends too to be “approved”.

One may call it evaluation of the X factor that the man has to go through. Behind all this is the primitive sexual instinct of a woman, which is designed to lead her to the right man for the purposes of procreation, and is common to all warm blooded mammals. Therefore, a man’s natural smell, his body shape, his face, attitude, social status, all play a big role in the process. Then there are the extensions of sexual power. The car, the house, the job, the boat, the personal jet and other stuff which in a way are all extensions and outward displays of a man’s sexual power. This all shows to the woman that the man will not only help her procreate but will be a good provider. Because this all happens instinctively, even if a woman knows that a relationship cannot go far, the process of “mate” selection remains the same. This is why young women fall for the married older guy. Another way to look at it is that a lot more analysis and evaluation goes into selecting a “mate” by a woman, even if the relationship is only sexual and nothing more, and the woman knows it.

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Two top cures for Constipation

Constipation is a common problem and grips everyone sometime or another. Many live with a chronic condition of constipation which often becomes a part of the being. Often you have had it so long you do not realize that you are suffering from it. Often you live with the effects of this constipation on your energy levels, personality and in turn ability to function as well as you should. In most cases these symptoms and the condition can be controlled with regular exercise and healthy dietary habits. In Ayurveda it is often recommended that you change the stuff you are regularly eating. If the grain you are eating change it to rice. If you eat red meat change it to white or give it up for some time. If you are used to eating pastries and cookies replace them with fruits. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, running and walking are good options add lots of fiber to your diet and drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water. Balance your diet with raw fruits and vegetables. Some exercises that work directly on the abdomen may be added to your exercising schedule once or twice a week. Good abdominal exercises in Yoga are Nauli Kriya and Kapal Bhati.

Here I am going to discuss two top remedies available in Homeopathy and they often work like magic if chosen correctly on the principle of “totality of symptoms”. This means that you not only consider the symptoms of the current condition but also look at the personality, mind state, occupation and all other related or seemingly not related symptoms. In the text of these remedies I am covering all possible symptoms but advise you to consult a Homeopathic Materia Medica. I have used most remedies in their 30c homeopathic potency. The two remedies are Nux Vomica and Lycopodium

Our first remedy is Nux Vomica. The personality type of this remedy is so common that 75% of the world population could easily be treated with this remedy not only for constipation but a host of other ailments. Nux Vomica personalities do nothing half heartedly. They are often at the top of every enterprise they undertake. This does not mean that Nux Vomica should be given to such people when they are unwell but it may often suit them. They are not as pleasant as they are great, they are often nervous, melancholic, irritable, over cautious and intellectual. They are over sensitive to noise, smell, light and music. They are studious, literary and remain indoors. They often indulge in coffee, tobacco and alcohol. They often feel qualmishness immediately after eating. In constipation (and often in diarrhea) the one key symptom is longing to pass more stools. The stools are large, hard, brown and offensive. The constipation is accompanied by backache. The constipation may often be the result of “onanism”, ejaculation outside the vagina from masturbation or otherwise. The taste of the mouth is bitter and tongue coated white.

Our second remedy is Lycopodium. It is a remedy for individuals of keen intellectual development with a weak body, like Nux Vomica. They are lean and thin and rarely leave an impression on first sight but their mental caliber is unmatched. They are sensitive, discontented, impatient and take offence at trifles. All this may point us to Nux Vomica but there are differences in their mental makeup. While Nux Vomica patients are snappish, Lycopodium patients will go a long way to pick a fight. They are fault finding and domineering and cannot take contradiction. Symptoms in Nux Vomica are aggravated in the mornings whereas in Lycopodium the aggravations are in the afternoons. Nux Vomica patients eat well and their troubles start after a good meal. Lycopodium on the other hand is unable to have a hearty meal and always feel satiated. They are indisposed to lung and hepatic afflictions. The face is pale and sallow with blue rings around the eyes. They usually look older than they are because of lines and furrows on the forehead. They may sometimes have red sediment in their urine. Like Nux vomica they suffer from ineffectual desire for stools. In Nux Vomica it is due to improper peristalsis but in Lycopodium it is more due to a contraction of the rectum. Every evacuation causes pain and urging. There are early stage hemorrhoids to be found and digital examination encounters spasmodic constriction of the sphincter. The rectum is narrowed and pain persists after evacuation. Sometimes desire to pass is accompanied by spasmodic contraction. It is serviceable in constipation of young men addicted to masturbation and suffering from nightly emissions.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Chronic Erectile Dysfunction and Porn

Here is what a typical porn user had to say. “I am in my late 30s and have been using porn heavily since my teens. My ED problems started in my late 20s. It is only recently that it has become total ED. I blamed it on the attractiveness or the newness of my partners, my fitness levels or my diet, my age, stress, performance anxiety and lots of things. It is only recently I realized I could not even masturbate to orgasm without porn. This is when I figured what really could be the problem”. It is very common for heavy porn users that they often don’t see their ED is porn related.

Here is another quote “I am 24 years old and have been battling ED for years and only recently attributed it to porn addiction. I have been on an emotional roller coaster trying to figure out what the problem was. What makes the whole situation so difficult is that you know that you should be aroused by real women but for some reason you are not. You try consciously to make yourself aroused but it’s basically impossible. Once this fails you spiral into depression and anxiety”.

I have come across teenagers with erectile dysfunction. This is not normal. Boys in their teens and twenties can have occasional anxiety but not chronic impotence, unless they have a serious medical condition. Very clearly their ED is caused by heavy porn use. When they stop and stay off of porn their erections and desire return. Here are ways that ED may manifest itself:

No spontaneous erections
Not aroused by static porn
Decreased penile sensitivity
Delayed ejaculation
Copulatory impotence
ED drugs losing effect
No erections even with extreme porn

The effect is, there is no morning wood. They are not being aroused by the porn they are using. They need to escalate to more extreme porn to get aroused. This is also a sign of addiction. Reduced penile sensitivity means that your brain is less sensitive to current porn. Delayed ejaculation or inability to have an orgasm with a real partner leads some men to fake an orgasm with sexual partners. Many are doing this. There is inability to maintain an erection with a real partner; this is a major complaint. ED drugs lose effect because the problem is in the brain not the penis. Eventually they cannot get it up even with extreme porn use.

Fast and Free Internet porn is a real phenomenon but we hear very little about it. The fast Internet connections with free streaming internet porn is a relatively new phenomenon. Now that fast connections with free Internet porn have been in place for a while we are seeing boys who started at 12 coming down with impotence by they are 15/16. It takes some time for ED to develop perhaps years. Time frames are highly variable, ED may suddenly appear. More importantly users may not notice ED and escalate to longer duration and more extreme porn. This is not about porn but how it is affecting the users. Men don’t want to admit they have ED and they don’t talk to each other about it. So there is no knowledge of what is happening to them. Guys also do not make the connection. We are often blind to cause and affect. The omnipresence of Viagra and other ED drugs has created this consciousness that chronic ED is normal. 

ED is supposed to be very rare under the age of 40 and unheard of in the teens and twenties, at least until recently. Health care providers may not be aware how today’s Internet porn, with its constant novelty and endless variety affects the brain. It is a dynamic phenomenon. The good advice is to be up to date on the latest neuroscience. To understand how Internet porn can affect the brain you have to know excessive gambling, food and video games can cause brain changes that mimic drug addiction. It is clear that masturbating to Internet porn can be more stimulating than those other things. Historically there has been a paradigm. If you had a problem like erectile dysfunction it was caused by guilt or shame. If that were the case ED would show up immediately in porn users. Another reason why health care providers are in the dark is because no research has been published of the effect of Internet on ED. There have been a few studies but they were merely questionnaires. There has been no brain study yet to assess the effect of Internet porn on its users.

There are reports of large numbers of boys aged 16 to 19 not interested in sex. Many older men are not having sex with real women for months. There are a few things that are clear. Internet porn addiction is real with structural changes occurring in the brain. Porn viewing can cause Erectile Dysfunction.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Types of ED (Erectile Dysfunction / Impotence)

Every patient of Erectile Dysfunction is different with his unique symptoms. For every individual suffering from ED the treatment would depend upon his peculiar symptoms. The “one size fits all” solutions being sold today may really not work for every patient. There may be a history of injury which has triggered the condition in one and sexual excesses in another. Impotence may have conditions of wasting of the testicles or may be accompanied by symptoms of irritability, nervousness, digestive disorders and constipation. In some cases the condition may have developed recently and in other cases it may be of long standing. The line of treatment in each case will depend on the peculiar and complete symptoms accompanying the condition. The dysfunction is not the same in every patient one may have no erections al all and another may have partial but insufficient erections. In most patients the history of past excesses and loss of seminal fluid may be present but we need to look at the age of the patient, overall condition of the mind and body in light of all other accompanying symptoms to arrive at a line of treatment. Here we will look at some of the more common patients that may be found with impotence, their unique symptoms and the treatment available in Homeopathy.

Our first patient is in a state of “nirvana”. There is no desire or ability and he has become lifeless and immobile. The condition is the result of great loss of seminal fluid originally due to injudicious use of the sexual function. It is a condition of real impotence. There is involuntary dribbling of semen during sleep. Prostatic fluid oozes during stool or sitting which results in further loss of strength and capacity. There are no vulgar thoughts and the patient is incapacitated from fulfilling his sexual obligations. Such a patient often responds to Homeopathic remedy "Selenium Metallicum" .

Our second type of patient has extreme desire for embrace with insufficient seminal emissions. He has insufficient erections but is able to penetrate. He is extremely debilitated and suffers deeply after any act of coition. There are profuse night sweats especially as a consequence of embrace. These patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Agaricus Muscarius" .

Our third patient has lost all desire for embrace but he feels light and happy during and after an embrace. The penis is relaxed and sexual life is at its lowest. He has vulgar thoughts but they excite no excitement or erections. Sexual desire is completely lost. The testes are cold, swollen hard and painful. The condition is accompanied with self-contempt, melancholia and extreme debility. The seminal fluid is extremely thin. Such patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy “Agnus Castus”.

Our fourth patient is extremely despondent and melancholy. His thoughts often border on suicide. There are no erections and the penis is always relaxed. The testes hang like pendants and are extremely deteriorated. these patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Aurum Metallicum" .

Our fifth patient has nocturnal dreams without any lewd thoughts. The impotence is the result of past excesses and is accompanied with involuntary loss of seminal fluid. Such patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Caladium Seguinum" .

Our sixth patient has developed the condition from excessive masturbation. Erections are present but are insufficient. There is weakness form indulgence and ejaculation is extremely delayed. Any act or attempt resulting in seminal release brings with it extreme debility of mind and body. Such patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Calcarea Carbonica" .

Our seventh patient has developed the condition due to suppression of sexual desire. Such impotence is often found in old bachelors. Mind and memory are feeble they have a pale face and dark circles around the eyes. It is generally the consequence of actions done against the laws of nature. Such patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Conium Maculatum" .

Our eighth patient has developed impotence due to great loss of seminal fluid which may not be from over indulgence or masturbation. He is cold, nervous and feeble. He often falls asleep during embrace. The condition is often found in older men who have great desire with vulgar thoughts but cannot have an erection. These patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Lycopodium Clavatum" .

Our ninth patient has been milked completely dry and hardly has any seminal discharge during embrace. These patients often respond to Homeopathic remedy "Phosphorus" .

Our tenth patient is young and addicted to masturbation. He often looses seminal fluid without an erection from being in the company of women or looking at them. Such loss of seminal fluid is a typical symptom at any age often corrected by "Conium Maculatum" .

Whenever trying to find a Homeopathic remedy for any condition it is important to refer to a Materia Medica. One needs to go through all the symptoms listed in the text and choose the remedy that completely covers all symptoms, not just symptoms for the particular condition. Please leave a comment if you have a suggestion or need more information.

I have done a lot of research online and offline on the subject. The internet, in my opinion is not a very reliable source for information on Erectile Dysfunction. Quality information is hard to come by. I recently discovered an eBook titled “ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION”. This eBook is an excellent resource of facts and critical information on ED. I have provided a link here. At under $10 it is a real steal.

Here are links to help you buy the remedy you need:
Selenium Metallicum
Agaricus Muscarius
Agnus Castus
Aurum Metallicum
Caladium Seguinum
Calcarea Carbonica
Conium Maculatum
Lycopodium Clavatum

Masturbation and women

Studies conducted in 1953, 1979 and 2008 show that women masturbate more often than we think. The results of how many women masturbated were 64% in 1953, 74% in 1979 and 92% in 2008. This is what a woman had to say about how often she masturbated.

“I masturbate 5 times a week. Each session lasts 12 minutes with a minimum of 3 orgasms and a maximum of 13 orgasms. I use the Hitachi Magic Wand which is indeed magical, so the act is easier. I make up for the time saved by being greedy with having as many orgasms as possible.”

For women all sexual activity is a full body experience. Unlike men who need penile stimulation, for women masturbation is not just vagina centric. When a woman masturbates she involves her whole body. A woman may easily have an orgasm simply with breast stimulation. Some highly sexed women may orgasm stimulating their thighs. Ancient Indian texts describe why women in India like to ride swings. It is an age old tradition and has a lot to do with sexual pleasure. The movements of a swing create sensations in the genitalia and may even produce orgasm. A woman has sex with her whole body. The belly, buttocks, breasts, legs and arms are as much involved as the vagina and clitoris.

When we talk about women and masturbation, men often picture a woman with a vibrator, pleasing her vagina. But in reality when a woman masturbates she plays with her breasts, touches her belly and would stimulate her whole body. The skin between the anus and the vagina is especially sensitive to stimulus. Unlike men a women can pleasure herself even more with multiple orgasms. Some women say that masturbation puts them in touch with their needs and improves their sex life. Men are not really sensitive to their partner’s needs; all they want is to shoot their load off. However, most men will do what they are asked of in bed, but that can work if the partner knows what she wants. Masturbation help women get there.

Masturbation, like all sexual activity, activates the pleasure centers in the brain and helps relieve stress. For a woman it brings her in touch with her needs and can help her understand how to have better sex with a partner. When she is alone she can experiment with what works for her and what she would want her partner to do. Often women take to masturbation because their partners cannot last or are not sensitive to her needs. But every woman is different some may do it more often than others, some may do it due to frustration others for the pleasure of It.

Men start to masturbate at a very early age but women usually start to masturbate after they enter their teens. Many women do it only after they get sexually active with a partner often after marriage. Women need more time and space for such “sessions”. While men can do it just about anywhere women usually like to set the right mood and prepare their environment. While a male “session” may only last a few minutes a “session” for a woman would last much longer. A man would not want to go on after an orgasm but a woman has just started with the first orgasm. She will have a number and range of orgasms in one “session”.

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Popular Pregnancy Tests

There are two basic types of pregnancy tests, Blood and Urine. Here we will discuss tests you can do at home. If you want to know which test to use and how, read on. You should test 3 to 4 days before. If you test too early you may get a false negative, when the test shows you are not pregnant but you are. Test in the morning, pop the stick midstream, set it aside and wait for the result. If you get a negative, test again the next day. If you get a negative but miss a period do test again. Even a faint maybe often means you are pregnant. False negatives are very common.

There are two types of tests available, digital and non-digital. The digital test is easy to read, it simply says pregnant or not pregnant. With non digital tests it is a little more complicated. If you get a faint color or a line you keep wondering if you are pregnant or not. Digital tests are a little more expensive. Pregnancy tests look for a specific hormone which gets easier to detect over time. So if you test too early the possibility of getting a false negative are higher. If you do get a positive, then probably you are, false positives are rare. You do need to confirm a positive with a blood test.

First Response Gold (Digital)
First Response Gold is a digital test. It tests for 2 hormones produced by the body after getting pregnant. It is more sensitive to morning testing. It is taken 4 days before the expected period. You place it in midstream and wait for 3 minutes. A clock shows you the countdown and then a “yes” or “no” appears. A question mark means an error.

First Response Early Result
First response early result is a standard stick test. It is a more sensitive test. The test is taken 4 days before your expected period. Place In the stream for 5 seconds and set it aside for 3 minutes. Two lines means you are pregnant, one line means you are not. Even a faint second line is a positive.

Accu-Clear Early Pregnancy Test
Accu-Clear Early Pregnancy Test is a standard stick test. You take the test the day of your expected period. You need to place the tip in the stream till the tip turns pink. Set is aside of 3 minutes for the result. A line, even a faint one means you are pregnant. The test comes with a good set of instructions.

e.p.t. Certainty (Digital)
e.p.t. Certainty is a digital test. It can be taken up to 4 days before the expected period. It takes 3 minutes for the result to appear. The display says “pregnant” or “not pregnant”. An hour glass appears while the test is working. If you have somehow done it wrong a book symbol appears.

Some other tests available are:
Wondfo Pregnancy Test Strips (Stick Test)
AccuMed® (Stick Test)
CVS Digital Pregnancy Test (Digital) good value 
Clearblue (Digital)
e.p.t. Pregnancy Test (Stick Test)
Answer Quick & Simple Early Result Pregnancy Test (Stick Test)
Clearblue Easy (Stick Test)
Fact Plus One-Step Pregnancy Test (Stick Test)

Masturbation products for men

I'd like to share 2 out of this world, masturbation products I discovered recently.

Marie's Tight Mouth and Molly's Tight Ass

Marie's Tight Mouth and Molly's Tight Ass are a package of two stroking products. The package includes 0.65 Oz of lubricant. I love the products. They feel like a real vagina. The material is smooth and soft like silk and feels like skin. The fit of Marie's mouth is good for me because of my thickness. I can enter even without a full erection.

Youcups electric masturbator

Feels great and the fit is good. The 12 speed vibrator is right for every mood whether you want to come quickly, go slow and enjoy the sensation or let your partner use it on you. The sensations feel great nothing like I have felt before. My girl friend doesn’t like oral sex but loves to use Youcups on me and I think it’s great. Just lay back and let someone else control it and tease you.

If you’ve tried and liked a product do leave a comment.