Monday, 9 February 2015

Foods for Reproductive Health

I have been experimenting with food for over 15 years. This is the essence of all the experiments I have done on myself during this period. I hope you gain from them as much as I have. This article is in no way a substitute for proper medical advice. Please consult your health care professional for a proper diagnosis and medical advice. Eat almonds; soak 20 almonds in water at night. Remove the skins and eat them with raisins and a glass of milk every morning after exercise. It is even better if you grind the almonds with a bit of sugar, cardamom and milk and have it as a shake with raisins. Add 5 Dates and 2 Walnuts to your daily diet. Have them in the morning for breakfast. Dates taste even better when boiled in milk. Give up all types of packaged and junk food. Try and take more fruits and vegetables. Men can use Shilajeet, available in the form of capsules, tablets and liquid. Do consult a health care professional for proper dosage for you. I take one 390 milligram capsule daily manufactured by Patanjali. Include a daily glass of fresh juice made from carrots, beet, tomatoes and Indian gooseberries. For one glass you will need 200 grams of carrots, 250 grams of beet, 400 grams of tomatoes and one Indian gooseberry. Here are more details of the health benefits of these foods and Shilajit.

Almonds are a calorie rich food with high fat content but no cholesterol. In fact they help lower cholesterol levels. They are rich in minerals, vitamins and protein. Almonds contain vitamin E which is associated with improving cardiovascular health. They are rich in Magnesium. Magnesium makes the arteries less restrictive allowing for better blood flow. Almonds protect the heart against high blood pressure. Nutrients in almonds also assist in better delivery of oxygen throughout the body. Almonds are a source of good quality fat which is essential for better sexual health. Manganese and Copper present in almonds assist in energy production in the body.

Dates are rich in sugar and are digested quickly therefore are a good source of energy. They are a good protection against intestinal disturbances. Dates are good as a bowl regulator and protect against constipation. They aid libido and protect against functional disorders of the reproductive system. Dates are rich in iron and protect against anemia. They are a great general health tonic.

Walnuts contain nutrients that help the body to increase sperm production. They also increase HDL or the good cholesterol which protects the heart. Walnuts help increase semen volume and are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which improve blood flow to the penis. They are anti ageing and the best source of antioxidants compared to all other nuts.

Shilajeet or Shilajit is anti-ageing. It has been used in India for thousands of years for male sexual health and strength.  It helps cell regeneration and health of old cells. It arrests tissue degeneration. It assists energy synthesis by helping metabolize proteins and vitamins. Shilajeet strengthens the immune system and promotes blood flow through the sexual system. It increases male sexual potency. It makes the reproductive system stronger and increases libido. It strengthens bones and arrests degeneration.

Milk is rich in protein and is a good source of vitamin B12 especially for vegans who don’t get sufficient supply from their diet. If you are vegan you should consider having more than one glass of milk a day. It is good for bone health and regeneration. It keeps the skin and nails healthy. Milk increases energy levels and assists the reproductive function. It improves digestion and increases red blood cells. It gives an instant boost to libido and should be consumed at night.

Carrots are a complete food. Beta-carotene found in carrots is excellent for the eyes. Carrots slow the ageing process. They are a rich source of vitamin A and also contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, K, biotin, potassium and thiamine. They strengthen the male sexual system and potency and are good for heart health and hypertension. Carrot juice provides energy and has antiseptic properties.

Beet Root is a super vegetable and has a big effect on blood pressure and cardiovascular health. It is anti inflammatory and purifies blood. It is best to consume beet in juice form for higher concentration of nutrients. Beets contain natural nitrates and antioxidants among other nutrients. Nitric oxide improves blood flow through the body, especially to the sexual organs. This increased blood flow assists better sexual performance. Ancient Romans considered beetroots to be an aphrodisiac. Beet juice has an energizing effect and enhances athletic ability. It improves liver health and helps the body fight the effect of pollutants from food, water and air. Beet juice helps reduce triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL). Beets are high in iron and folic acid and can help prevent anemia.

Tomatoes are commonly referred to as a vegetable but really are a fruit. They contain lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants protect the cell membrane which in turn affects overall health. Some research suggests that lycopene may help in treatment of infertility and increase sperm count in men. They are a delicious fruit rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. They are anti inflammatory and help contain free radical damage. Free radicals cause all types health damage and disease. Tomatoes are a good source of energy but low in calories. They contain iron and B vitamins and are good for bones.

Indian gooseberries (Amla) are very rich in vitamin C which helps strengthen the immune system. One 50 gram Amla contains more than 100 milligrams of Vitamin C. Various nutrients in Amla have anti ageing properties. It balances body heat assisting in better appetite and improved digestion thereby increasing energy levels. It assists fat metabolism thereby reducing cholesterol. Amla is used as a base and added to a large number of Ayurvedic preparation which are used in diseases ranging from common colds to cancer. It is also found in ayurvedic tonics like chawanprash. Gooseberries when juiced with beetroot balance the fruity taste of beetroot. Gooseberry juice can cause constipation if used in excess.

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Further Reading:
5 signs you’re suffering from low T
4 Ways to Naturally Increase Testosterone
Night Time Testosterone-boosting Routine
Never Ask your Doctor About Low T
How to Be 10 Years Younger
How to get rid of man boobs
3 Ways to Slow, and Even REVERSE the Aging Process, for Men 

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