Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Improve Sexual Performance and Cure ED naturally

Here are 13 things you can do to cure Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and enhance sexual performance. If you have ED or sexual performance has been going down for a long time get yourself checked for Diabetes, Hypertension and high cholesterol. The first thing to take care of is any underlying disease process. Popping a Viagra will only hurt you in the long term. If you are stressed wait for the stress event to pass and then evaluate your sexual performance. The next thing you can attempt is to abstain from all sexual activity, including masturbation and porn for 40 days and let your body readjust itself. Most likely one of these will work and it does in most cases of short term ED not related to age or disease. Anyone in good health cannot and will not have ED. If you still feel the need to do something in the long term to enhance your sexual performance try the following prescription for peek sexual performance for the rest of your life.

Quick reference
1. Abstain 40 days
2. Get yourself checked for medical issues
3. Wait for immediate stress events to resolve
4. Garlic – swallow 5 cloves with water daily.
5. Shilajit – use upto 500 mg daily
6. Sexual Qigong – add it to your exercise routine
7. Kapalbhati – do it daily
8. Nauli kriya – try to learn it and do it daily
9. Give up porn
10. Stop masturbating
11. Exercise
12. Eat well – add fruits and vegetables
13. Get sufficient sleep

Garlic helps lower blood cholesterol and increases body heat. It is a “tamasik” food according to Ayurveda. It is sometimes referred to as the food of the evil or “rakshas”. People who want to live a simple calm life should not consume it according to Hindu beliefs. However medically it has many benefits including improving blood circulation and lowering cholesterol levels. It should be consumed for long periods to have a sustained effect. Good circulation is what is needed for a better, fuller erection. You can consume 5 grams or even more Garlic every day safely. Start with a few cloves and increase to a level you can tolerate. Too much garlic can give you boils in the mouth and it is different for everyone. Find a level you can take comfortably. It needs to be used for the long term. Swallow the peeled cloves with water. Chewing raw Garlic can damage teeth enamel. I take about 5 grams of garlic every day.

Shilajit is a traditional Indian supplement and has been used to enhance sexual performance for thousands of years. It is popularly used as a cure for Impotence. However it has a far wider impact on the body. It aids circulation, increases body heat, works as a general health tonic and strengthens the bones. Shilajit is available in 300mg to 500mg capsules or tablets and most people can take up to 3X300mg or 2X500mg. Consult a health professional for a proper prescription.

Sexual Qigong is a simple exercise which helps increase testosterone levels and generally balances the hormonal system. Read more about it here.

Kapalbhati is easy to learn and has immense health benefits. It increases oxygen levels in the body which cures a large number of health issues. It directly exercises and awakens the “mooladhar chakra” the base sexual chakra according to yogic philosophy. Kapalbhati increases sperm count and testosterone levels. It also increases metabolic activity and aids digestion. It rids the body of constipation. A healthy digestion and higher energy levels always help sexual function. Always do Kapalbhati after at least 8 hours of fasting. Read more here

Nauli kriya is a bit difficult to learn but is a very powerful exercise. It strengthens the abdominal muscles; helps improve digestion and energy levels. In Ayurveda it is believed that good digestion is the root for a healthy body and a healthy body will always perform well sexually.

Porn can pervert the sexual system and creates psychological havoc leading to ED. Excessive visual stimuli have a deep effect on the brain, similar to chemical abuse. It dulls normal sexual response to real women who no longer seem visually appealing enough for normal sexual excitement needed for an erection.

Masturbation and porn usually go hand in hand. Excessive masturbation is a drain on the sexual economy. According to Homeopathic philosophy there are disastrous consequences to “ejaculating outside the vagina” known as “Onanism”. A number of remedies are prescribed on this symptom alone. Excessive indulgence and suppression of desire are both considered to have immense physiological and psychological consequences. Yogic philosophy advocates “brahmachrya” or abstention. Give it up for at least 40 days if you are suffering from ED. Many times males can masturbate and ejaculate even without an erection with terrible consequences.

Exercise especially aerobic exercise is important for proper circulation. Do any kind of aerobic exercise in the open for more oxygen to enter your bloodstream. I have suggested Kapalbhati which is excellent for increasing circulation and the rapid breathing increases oxygen levels if done in the open. You may add any other exercise especially jogging to your routine.

Eat low or lower fat diet and add lots of fruits and vegetables. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Cut down on coffee, tea and smoking. Add mood enhancing foods like chocolate in moderation, oranges, asparagus, beet, garlic, avocado and cashew nuts. A good high fiber diet leads to good digestion and a healthy sexual system.

Get sufficient sleep. It takes the body 6 to 8 hours to recuperate from the daily drain. So getting sufficient sleep is as important as the right diet and enough exercise for a healthy sexual system.

I have tried to cover a lot but everything is not possible in one blog post. So if you still need more information I suggest you invest in this $10 eBook - click here >>>>>


  1. I wanted to know what a person who is single can do about generating sexual energy for the sake of transmutation. As a single male, the only procedure I know for generating the energy of sexual arousal is masturbating, but I don't see any recommendations for utilizing masturbation with the Qigong Holdback. I think Stephen Chang mentions that one can masturbate using the Holdback in "The Tao of Sexology", but he doesn't elaborate very much. You have the Lingam Massage here on your page, but you have it being done with a partner. What would you recommend for someone single?

  2. Metatronus, if you see this message please leave a reply with your email ID, I'd like to send you more information. According to yogic philosophy and practice sexual energy can be cultivated, generated and used using various techniques. One way is Kapal Bhati. It is being sold as a breathing exercise but has deeper physiological and spiritual consequences. If practiced for long durations and with the correct technique and mental attitude one does not need to masturbate at all. For that matter the strongest human urge to propagate can be conquered resulting in "Kundilini jagran" which is the highest state of liberation, compassion and fearlessness achievable by any human during his life in the body and is achieved by very few individuals.

    1. Thanks for the reply, my email is the1gza@gmail.com. I greatly appreciate you being so liberal as to send me something through email. Once again, thanks!

    2. Please send me the video of unsensord version for excercise for PE koolravian@gmail.com

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  4. Did you receive my email address?

  5. You mentioned:
    Cycling, Kegel exercise and certain sex positions need to be avoided.

    Why cycling and i do not understand why kegel needs to be avoided

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  8. Would you like to send me the unsensored video version to my email : zihtu00@gmail.com
    thank you.

  9. Can u send the uncensored version to my email ? River7647@gmail.com

  10. Can u send the uncensored version to my email ? River7647@gmail.com

  11. Can u send the uncensored version to my email ? River7647@gmail.com

  12. Would you like to send me the unsensored video version to my email : pillar1080@gmail.com
    thank you

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    thank you

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