Every man wants to give his woman the most mind blowing orgasm. It makes all men feel powerful. So what are we doing wrong? Are we treating women like men? Female orgasm is a complex process. Let's try and understand it.
What most men don't understand is that a woman needs more than vaginal stimulation to orgasm. Since men only require penile stimulation to orgasm most men think that simple vaginal stimulation is enough for female orgasm. Women however need stimulation including breasts, vagina, clitoris and even the anus to climax. Women orgasm less than 3 out of 10 times during vaginal intercourse. Men don't even know that this is happening to their partners. Women think that it is somehow their fault so they keep faking it. This often leads women to seek a partner who can do what they need. Over and above this most men and most women have no idea about the G-spot . Not just men but many women think that the G-spot is a myth. Men don't spend enough time during foreplay and are always in a hurry.
Female orgasm takes at least 25 minutes. Whereas men cum in less than 5 minutes. This as you can see is a huge mismatch. So if you want the woman to have an orgasm you need to spend at least 30 minutes on foreplay before penetration. Foreplay should involve some combination of the breasts, anus, vagina and clitoris. The most important however is G-spot stimulation. Discover three things you can do to a woman to give her the best ORGASM of her life - CLICK HERE>>>>>>>>>

What most men don't understand is that a woman needs more than vaginal stimulation to orgasm. Since men only require penile stimulation to orgasm most men think that simple vaginal stimulation is enough for female orgasm. Women however need stimulation including breasts, vagina, clitoris and even the anus to climax. Women orgasm less than 3 out of 10 times during vaginal intercourse. Men don't even know that this is happening to their partners. Women think that it is somehow their fault so they keep faking it. This often leads women to seek a partner who can do what they need. Over and above this most men and most women have no idea about the G-spot . Not just men but many women think that the G-spot is a myth. Men don't spend enough time during foreplay and are always in a hurry.
Female orgasm takes at least 25 minutes. Whereas men cum in less than 5 minutes. This as you can see is a huge mismatch. So if you want the woman to have an orgasm you need to spend at least 30 minutes on foreplay before penetration. Foreplay should involve some combination of the breasts, anus, vagina and clitoris. The most important however is G-spot stimulation. Discover three things you can do to a woman to give her the best ORGASM of her life - CLICK HERE>>>>>>>>>