Sunday 5 October 2014

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Homeopathy can be a big help in living with chronic fatigue. There are usually many secondary symptoms of chronic fatigue. What I have experienced at different points of time in the last 20 years, are the following:
Heart palpitations
Fear - indefinable
Low-grade fever
Hot scalp
Heat from the eyes
Sore throat
Visual blurring

Dim vision
Dry eyes
Dry mouth
Bad taste
Extreme hunger
Tough phlegm
Back pain
Pain in the heel
Body pain
Weak legs
Lack of will power
Over estimation of one’s physical ability

For most of these problems there is no real solution in Allopathic treatment. One may be able to take pain killers for toothache and headache and some temporary medication for a few other issues. However, such medication, in the long run will only add to your problems, because of side-affects. Homeopathic treatment however, provides a good alternative. I have used it and can say with confidence, that I am alive today because of it.

Unlike Allopathic treatment which treats the disease, Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. What this means is that when selecting a medicine (called remedy) in Homeopathy we need to take into consideration the personality of the patient, mental symptoms, total symptoms other than the main issue at hand and a lot more. So if I am looking for a remedy for headache, I may need to consider, what time of the day I usually have it, the exact location, the type of pain, whether it is more under any specific conditions.

Initially the most striking problem I used to face was anorexia. This made me feel that my tiredness was because of lack of proper food intake. I used Nux Vomica 30c, Ferrum metallicum 30c, calcarea carbonica 30c, and a few other remedies. It took me nearly 10 years to get rid of anorexia. I was also a smoker. During this period I also gave up smoking. I also completely gave up consuming alcohol in any form. For heart palpitations and nervousness I used Passiflora mother tincture. Other remedies I used during this period were over one hundred. Most of them are listed here:

All were used in 30c potency unless mentioned otherwise. Aconite 30c and 200c, Actea Racemosa (Cimicifuga), Anacardium, Argentum Metallicum, Arnica Montana, Arsnicum Album 30c and 200c, Asarum, Aurum Metallicum, Avena Sative Θ (mother tincture), Baryta Carb., Belladonna, Bismuth, Bryonia, Buforana, Cactus, Calcarea Carb., Calcarea Phos., Capsicum, Carbo Animalis, Carbo Veg., Carduus Marianus,  Carduus Marianus Θ (mother tincture), Causticum, Ceonathus Americanus Θ (mother tincture),  Ceonathus Americanus, Chamomilla, Chelidonium Majus, China Officinalis, Coffea Cruda, Conium Maculatum, Copiva, Digitalis, Drosera 30c and 200c, Dulcamara, Euphrasia, Ferrum Metallicum, Ferrum Phos, Fluric Acid, Gelsemium, Hepar Sulphuris, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Iris Versicolor, Kali Carbonicum, Kali Iodatum, Kali Phosphoricum 3x, Ledum, Lycopodium, Mezereum, Myrica Cerifera, Natrum Mur. 3x and 30c, Natrum Phos. 3x, Natrum Sulph. 3x, Nux Moschata, Nux Vomica, Passiflora Θ (mother tincture), Phosphoric Acid 30c and 200c, Phosphorus, Physostigma, Picric Acid, Plantigo Major, Plantigo Major Θ (mother tincture), Platinum, Plumbum Metallicum, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Rumex, Sabadilla, Secale Cornutum, Selenium, Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Stannum, Staphisagria, Stramonium, Tabacum, Thuja Occidentalis, Thyroidinum 3x and 30c, Tuberculinum 1000c (1m), Veratrum Viride Θ (mother tincture), Zincum Metallicum.

I am giving below relief I got from each of these remedies, to the best of my recollection.

Aconite 30c and 200c – Running nose, fear, hay fever, anxiety
Actea Racemosa (Cimicifuga) –
Anacardium – Indigestion, constipation, excessive hunger
Argentum Metallicum – Increased heart rate, anxiety
Arnica Montana – Dyspepsia, constipation
Arsnicum Album 30c and 200c –
Asarum – Nervousness, over sensitivity to outside impressions (noise etc.)
Aurum Metallicum – Suicidal tendencies, want to end life there seems no future
Avena Sative Θ (mother tincture) – Nerve tonic
Baryta Carb. –
Belladonna – 
Bismuth – 
Bryonia – 
Buforana – Over-come bad effects of pre-pubic masturbation
Cactus – Hypertension
Calcarea Carb. – Heart palpitations
Calcarea Phos. –
Capsicum –
Carbo Animalis –
Carbo Veg. – Flatulence, debility
Carduus Marianus – Liver function, SGOT SGPT levels high
Carduus Marianus Θ (mother tincture) – Liver function, SGOT SGPT levels high
Causticum – Joint pains, indigestion, constipation
Ceonathus Americanus Θ (mother tincture) – Palpitations due to enlarged spleen
Ceonathus Americanus –
Chamomilla –
Chelidonium Majus – Liver function
China Officinalis – Bad effects of over indulgence in sex, onanism and masturbation, backache
Coffea Cruda –
Conium Maculatum – Bad effects of unsatisfied sexual craving
Copiva – Enlarged prostate, Difficulty in urinating, split stream when urinating
Digitalis – Strengthening the heart function
Drosera 30c and 200c – Bad taste, disgust for food due to phlegm
Dulcamara –
Euphrasia – Improvement of vision
Euphrasia Θ (mother tincture) – watering eyes
Ferrum Metallicum – Anaemia, backache
Ferrum Phos – Anaemia
Fluric Acid – Dryness of skin, dryness of mouth
Gelsemium – Dull vision
Hepar Sulphuris – dramatic effect on tooth absess, Morning constipation
Ignatia – Aversion to meeting people or going out even for a walk
Ipecacuanha – Vomiting
Iris Versicolor –
Kali Carbonicum –
Kali Iodatum –
Kali Phosphoricum 3x – Nervousness and jumpiness due to sudden sounds, undefined fear
Ledum –
Lycopodium – Indigestion, flatulence, want to pick a fight for no reason
Mezereum – Swelling of the gums
Myrica Cerifera – Liver function
Natrum Mur. 3x and 30c – Debility, improve digestion
Natrum Phos. 3x –
Natrum Sulph. 3x – Relieve tough expectoration
Nux Moschata – Debility, flatulence, pain around the navel
Nux Vomica – Sluggish digestion due to lack of exercise
Passiflora Θ (mother tincture) – Support to give up alcohol
Phosphoric Acid 30c and 200c – Bad effects of long term self abuse
Phosphorus –
Physostigma – Improvement of vision
Picric Acid – Debility with backache
Plantigo Major – Toothache
Plantigo Major Θ (mother tincture) – Toothache
Platinum – Bad effects of onanism (ejaculating outside the vagina), feeling of grandeur
Plumbum Metallicum –
Psorinum –
Pulsatilla – Over sensitiveness, constipation
Rhus Tox – Joint pains especially in wet weather
Rumex –
Sabadilla –
Secale Cornutum – Over heated head with blurred vision
Selenium –
Sepia –
Silicea – To relieve tough expectoration
Spigelia –
Stannum – Suicidal tendencies with chest symptoms
Staphisagria – Bad effects of over indulgence in sexual activity
Stramonium –
Tabacum – Backache and blurred vision due to smoking
Thuja Occidentalis – Bad effects of childhood vaccination
Thyroidinum 3x and 30c – Hypothyroidism
Tuberculinum 1000c (1m) – Threatened tuberculosis, after effects of T.B, Loose stools
Veratrum Viride Θ (mother tincture) – Fast pulse, uneasiness of the heart
Zincum Metallicum – bad effects of suppressed disease or eruption like measles

*This is not a symptoms guide but my personal experience with homeopathic medication over the years.

A you can see above that the advantage of using Homeopathic treatment is that one does not need to know what the disease is, but simply analyse the symptoms at any given point of time and select a remedy according. If you are a person with common sense and a slight analytical mind you will be able to develop the skill to select the correct remedy.

I personally have not only treated myself but also my mother who has many issues including arthritis. At one point she had peptic ulcers which have been completely cured by the use of Bismuth 30c. At another time she was vomiting day and night and arsnicum 30c was used to treat her. For combating joint pains I gave her arnica, causticum, Rumex, and Rhus Tox, at different times depending on symptoms. Recently my maid who is expecting, could not eat for days and was throwing up anything she ate, Tabacum 30c is helping her.  She is 2 months into her pregnancy and has started coming to work once again.

Coming back to the subject of Chronic Fatigue, I have found some very peculate things that happen. My energy levels go up often when the sky is clear and there is no reason for it to rain, but in a few hours it rains. Usually my energy levels are up on Sundays and often other holidays. Also, I found that acupressure helps. If I press the Pancreas point, which is about one inch below the little figure for about 1 to 2 minutes in the morning, my energy levels remain higher. Massaging the navel, by placing all the fingers in the cavity and rotating 40 times clockwise and 40 times anticlockwise also helps. Massaging the penis with oil also helps. It is a massage not masturbation. Although the movements are the same it is important not to ejaculate. Loss of this vital fluid can be counter-productive.

There is a small forest like area near my house. Whenever, I can I go for a 1 to 2 hour walk in that forest and my energy levels remain higher through the day. Whenever I do not exercise my energy levels drop. So, I try to do 2 hours of yoga every day. 

Ayurveda believes in something called the “Dharan”. This is a pulse you will find at the centre of the navel, if you lie down flat on your back and place three fingers and press gently down. If you find this has shifted left, right, up, or down, you may face complex medical issues.  In my case it remains slightly to the left. There are some exercises that can bring the “Dharan” back to the centre. Whenever my “Dharan” is in the centre my energy levels are higher.

Two exercises for centring the “Dharan” are: One lie down on your back and lift both legs about 12 inches. Hold up with your breath held in for as long as you can. Repeat as long as the “Dharan does not return to the centre. Second, lie on your back hold your foot and try to touch your nose to the thumb of your foot. Repeat with the other foot. Now hold both feet and try to bring them as close to the nose as possible. Check the “Dharan” and repeat as long as needed.

Role of exercise in chronic fatigue: It is important to exercise in chronic fatigue, as it is in any other disease. However, it is important to find a balance. People suffering from CFS often overestimate their physical ability. Thus, they over exert themselves and then go under for days altogether. I have done so in the past, and still make the mistake sometimes.

CFS – a result of vaccination: There is a lot talked about in Homeopathic texts about the bad effects of vaccination on some individuals. Modern scientists may believe that vaccination is the best way to save people from disease. However, there are many long term problems that can develop in many subjects, and they may suffer for the rest of their lives. There is no scientific proof that ties vaccination with any medical condition in general, but there may be a possibility that conditions like Chronic Fatigue are the result of vaccination.

However the biggest issue faced by a patient of chronic fatigue is inability to work a proper job and have a career. Thus lack of income, combined with lack of understanding by people around you are the biggest challenges you will face. Even your doctor usually will not understand the problem let alone diagnose it properly or guide you.

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